Chapter Seven

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Scout’s POV:

Dill just stood there for a while, his eyes constantly darting between me and the door.

Eventually he snapped out of it and slowly helped me. He scooped me up in his arms, carried me to my room, and gently laid me down on my bed.

Dill sat next to me, holding my hand gently, as if I were as fragile as glass. He shushed and soothed me, and I knew it was because he was in pain from hearing me cry.

Suddenly, he sat up and announced, “I’m going to find Jem.”

”What?” I tried to laugh, but it hurt my body, so I slumped back down.

”I need to find him and explain everything and apologise.”

I tried to talk him out of it, but he was adamant.

”Okay. Good luck.” I whispered, and he kissed me on the forehead before walking out of the house.

I drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness, dreaming of Dill in sleep and praying everything would be okay in wake.

I suddenly heard the door open. I looked around through my open bedroom door as much as I could, and smiled when I realised it was Calpurnia.

”Hi Cal.” I tried to call to her.

”Hey darlin’… What the heck’s going on here? Why are you sitting in bed like that?”

I tried to explain it calmly, starting very casually.
”Well, Dill came back and he was talking to me and we ended up kissin’, and Jem got all steamed up and...”
But I ended up crying to Cal.

She reassured me, saying Dill and Jem would work everything out and it would all be okay.

”Don’t worry, hon. It’ll be fine.” She hugged me lightly, and went to the kitchen.
Jem’s POV

I walked along the streets of Maycomb, not caring where I was going.
How could I have done that? I probably hurt Scout so badly. And I completely overreacted. If Dill and Scout like each other that much, I don’t know what the problem is. I’m an idiot.

Dill’s POV

As I walked along looking at the footpath, I thought about Scout to work up the courage. This was for her. For us.

Out of the corner of my eye, I finally, finally, spotted Jem. I jogged up close to him, so close my toes were nearly on his heels.
I took a quick silent breath, and tapped him on the shoulder blade. I took a sudden step back, and watched him slowly turn around. His eyes widened with recognition, and I gulped. This was going to be painful.

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