Chapter One

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- Hi guys, as some of you know, for English class, I read To Kill A Mockingbird, and on the weekend I got inspired and wrote a few chapters of a fanfic. Side note: a bit awkward and innapropriate at the start, I apologise, I just wanted to set up the scenes well and it came across better if the underlying themes were  a bit.. mature. Leave comments and vote if you liked it. -

It's been years since the Tom Robinson case, and Jem is working in law now. Scout is almost 15 now, and unfortunately for her, becoming a grown woman. There have been a few awkward moments: her first period for example. (she screamed to Calpurnia that she was dying, very Carrie-like.)

But there's something that's much worse for her. Scout is turning into a woman with needs and desires, and those needs and desires require an outlet. For Scout, it was her dreams, and Dill.

Chapter 1

"Oh Dill..." I moaned as he licked and nibbled at my neck.
I watched him move with such swiftness as he kissed around my collarbone, which my mind made me wonder if he'd done this with other girls, but my worries slipped away as he moved down my body, kissing and admiring every inch of me.

"Mm..Scout." He whispered in his perfect voice.

"Scout..Scout. SCOUT, WAKE UP."

I was jolted awake. "Ugh, what do you want, Jem?" I rolled over so my face was in the pillow.

Jem just scoffed and said, "I'm going to meet with someone at the office, and Atticus is going to work on some files in his office downtown. Can I trust you by yourself for a few hours?" he drawled, hoping he wouldn't have to babysit me, even though he knows that I can handle myself.

"Yes, just get out of my bedroom." I muttered, and I heard the door slam behind me.

Once I heard the car leave, I sat upright and thought about my dream.

What is going on with me? This was one of the many dreams I've been having lately, and they've all been about Dill and I.

I haven't seen Dill in years, so I have no idea what he looks like now, except for my dreams, and he probably is with someone else now.

I wish he was here.

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