Chapter 1- The Beginning

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    She was born on the cool night of Friday December 13th 1996. Her parents, Noah and Elizabeth named her Allyson Elizabeth Blake. Nice name isn't it?

    Allyson was a good kid growing up, but was odd. At first, her parents thought it was just a thing. A thing that would pass; but it never did. When they sought out medical help, they didn't get the answers they wanted. Her parents would tell the stories, to every doctor, about how Allyson would sit it front of a wall, and stare. Sometimes for days at a time. She wouldn't move to eat, get something to drink, no. She's just sit, or even stand by a wall, no particular one.

   When Allyson came around school age, she didn't have any friends, and would refuse to leave to house to try and make some. So Noah brought up the idea of home schooling her and Elizabeth agreed. For the Blake's, finding a good home school teacher was hard in Nebraska. The first one they got lasted about a year or so, but the Blake's didn't hire him back.  They ended taking the big step of moving to a nice Suburban area in California, when Allyson was about 4, turning 5. The day they moved was May 7, 2001. The home was nice and big, with 2 floors, a driveway and a beautiful woods round the back of the home that lined the entire block and went back maybe 100 miles or so. Yeah, it was big.There, the list when on and on with home school teachers and they finally found the right one, Mrs. Clark.

   You might have guessed it, She had stories about Allyson too. After about a week or so of the teaching, she went up to Elizabeth.

"Your daughter, why she's very smart indeed."

   "Thank you," Elizabeth said.

"But with that, she doesn't speak much does she. Allyson is very quite." Mrs. Clark remarked.

  That's something the Blake's got used too.

  Believe it or not, Noah and Elizabeth found a way to get Allyson outside. In about a month or so. They had made acquaintances with most of the neighborhood. But never found met anyone that would 'stand out' out friends material to them.

   The date being July 14 2004, the Blake's notice that Mrs. Clark was heading over to their place, from one of the neighbors. But they didn't bring it up.

  A couple days later, Elizabeth was bringing in groceries from the Supermarket, when she bumped into a woman.

"Oh, sorry," she said

   "Don't worry about it," Elizabeth said as picked up dropped items, "mistakes happen."

"Oh! Jane," the women said as she shook Elizabeth's hand, "Your must be new here, I haven't seen you around before".

"Yeah, I'm Elizabeth, we moved here about 3 years ago I believe."

"Wow, nice. It's a really nice neighbor, I've lived here with my husband and daughter for years."

"Oh, how old is she?" Elizabeth asked.

"7, turning 8 in August."

"Oh my daughter Allyson is 7 as well—"

Jane, cutting her off, "Oh that's perfect! My daughter is Lindsay. Maybe that can hang sometime."

"Sounds perfect."

"See you around" Jane said.

"Bye," Elizabeth replied.

Things went up from there....

Allyson and Lindsay were inseparable. Best friend goals? Yeah that's them. They couldn't be anymore perfect. They shared the same behavior, they were both odd, in there own ways. When Lindsay mentioned she was also homeschooled, Elizabeth put together the pieces.

"Is your teacher Mrs. Clark?"

"Yeah," Lindsay said.

After that, they scheduled with Mrs Clark so now Allyson and Lindsay had classes together. Allyson would walk to Lindsay's home, only a couple houses down and Lindsay would do the same. Time went on and the Anderson's and the Blake's became closer and better of friends. But the Anderson's did ask of one thing, "Please, they can play around outside and things but just don't let them play outside with rubber balls, thank you."  The Blake's never understood why, but they followed it as good friends.

   The date was June 6, 2006, and things had turned for the worst.....

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