The Scars You Left Behind

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Brandon POV

moms had driven around all day searching for Callie, the rest of us were searching common areas to school. the beach, but she was nowhere. it was dark now,we were all sitting around the kitchen table, now that we knew it was true she was gone. moms were pacing the room.

Stef- it just dosen't make sense, why would she run away? we just told her we wanted to adopt her

Lena- we have to notify the police, shes been gone for at least 24 hours

Jude- what if she dosen't come back

Lena- it's gonna be okay I promise 

Stef- you guys better get to bed its getting late

with that we all scattered, i could see Jude was still angry with me so I followed him as he exited to the dinning room

Brandon- Jude wait!

Jude- why didn't you say anything in there, you know why she left!

Brandon- well you know too and I didn't hear you say anything!

Jude- it's not my secret to tell!

Brandon- Jude I'm sorry, this isn't how I wanted this to be, I just really care about Callie and...

Jude- you can't be together! 

he walked away and left me wondering if he was right

Callie POV

me and Wyatt had pulled over at a gas station, he finished pumping the gas and got back into the car.

Callie- I'm leaving

Wyatt- what?

Callie- I appreciate all you have done helping me but.. this is my problem, I need to work it out for my self

Wyatt- you can't just go off by yourself, where will you even go

Callie- I don't know

Wyatt- just finish the ride to Indiana with me and when we get there I'll help you find somewhere to stay, or let me take you back home

Callie- that is not my home!

Wyatt- just let me help you

Callie- no! I need control of my own life for once!

I grabbed my bag and got out of the car, I heard Wyatt calling after me as I walked away, but I never looked back.

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