Yours Child's First Word

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Pein was in his office at his desk doing paperwork as normal, you were also in his room but getting your now seven month old son, (y/s/n) dressed into his bedtime clothes. "You look just like your father (y/s/n)." You smiled as you kissed his forehead with his short orange hair growing into spikes above it. "Papar." Pein sat down his pen and lifted up his head as you watched him with your (e/c) eyes widened, then looked back at (y/s/n) as Pein stood up from his desk. "Did you say Paper? Or Papa?" You chuckled as you lifted him up into your arms as Pein stood beside you staring at (y/s/n) with a smile. "I think he said paper." Pein said with a smirk as he took his son from your arms. "Do you want to be like your father when you get older?" Your eyes rolled as you smirked at Pein's question as you kissed him on the cheek. "Let's not worry about that yet." He smiled and kissed you deeply as you took back (y/s/n) who was slowly falling asleep in your arms.
You were sitting on the floor across from Kakuzu, as he counted his money, with your six month old son,
(y/s/n) on your lap pointing to different things in a children's book. "That's a piggy." You chuckled as (y/s/n) just stared at the picture of a pig with a face expression like Kakuzu's. "(Y/n), he isn't going to." "Penny." (Y/s/n) butted into Kakuzu's sentence as your (e/c) eyes widened just as Kakuzu lowered his money back on the table looking at his son. "That's my son." Kakuzu chuckled as he pulled off his mask walking over to (y/s/n) and bending down on his knees in front of the both of you. Smirking at you and him before he kissed your forehead and ruffled the short, brown hair on
(y/s/n). "He'll be a great money collector." You narrowed your eyes as you shook your head. "Don't even start." Kakuzu chuckled as he stood back up and went back ti counting his money with a smirk on his face as he watch you tried to get (y/s/n) to say another word.
Deodars was at his desk working on a clay sculpture as you sat in bed trying to get your seven month old daughter, (y/d/n), to sleep by flatting down her about six inch long blonde hair. "Is she asleep, un?" You smiled as you looked at your daughter with her father's eyes shut as you looked back up at Deidara, who was still working on the sculpture. "Yeah I th." "Die-die" Your (e/c) eyes and Deidara eyes widened as you boh looked at y'all daughter who was trying to point Deidara. "Die, un?" You stared to giggle as you saw Deidara's worried face expression as you pulled your daughter up to you. "I think she meant Dei-Dei." He smiled as he left is desk and sat on the end of the bed, taking his daughter into his arms, brushing back her hair. "Looks like me, un. Acts like you, yeah." You smiled as you kissed his cheek then kissed him deeply on the lips before you looked down, along with Deidara seeing (y/d/n) asleep.
You and Tobi were outside the base sitting on a blanket, out in the warm sun on the grass. As you held your seventh month old son, (y/s/n) trying to get boys of grass he pulled so he wouldn't eat it, Tobi sat beside you trying to tickle his little foot. "Tobi I don't think he's ticklish like you." "Awe, but (Y/n)-chan, Tobi loves to tickle!" You smiled at Tobi as he sat up before your (e/c), and probably Tobi's, eyes widened down at (y/s/n) before he spoke. "Gan!" Tobi scratched the top of his head. "Gan?" You on the other hand were giggling as your son wiggle his arms to you. "Tobi, he probably said chan." You kissed the top of your son's head with his (h/c) hair starting to grow as you fell a pair of warm, soft lips on your cheek. "I think so too." Obito's deep voice mumbled as he glanced down at (y/s/d) staring to fall asleep in your lap, as he smiled while your head was leaned to the side on his shoulder.
Sassori was at his desk working on his puppets while you sat on the floor beside him, with your five month old daughter, (y/d/n) in your lap, playing with a bunny puppet Sassori got you a long time ago. "Love, do you think she'll be a puppeteer?" You glanced your (e/c) eyes up at Sassori who had his head down and his dark brown eyes focused on his work as you smiled. "Maybe, but let's not get into it now." As you glanced down at your daughter who was trying to reach for the puppet, you kissed the top of her head that had two inch long red hair staring to grow. "I hope she does lo." (Y/d/n) interrupted Sassori while giggling. "Pupput." Sassori lifted up his and look at his daughter who was smiling trying to reach for the bunny as your (e/c) eyes were widened. "Sassori, she just said." Sassori cut you off as well as he sat down next to you with a small smile you secretly seen many times. "Puppet." You kissed his cheek as he took the bunny and started to make it hop around (y/d/n), who was giggling and smiling. You laid you head on his shoulder, still holding you daughter up on your lap as she tried to clap. "She'll make a excellent puppeteer love." You made a 'hm' sound as you started to shut your eyes with a smile.
You and Zetsu were sitting in the garden with your six month old twins, (y/d/n) in your lap and (y/s/n) in Zetsu's. Your (e/c) eyes stared down at your daughter who was trying to pick bits of grass while your son kept trying to touch Zetsu's fly trap. "(Y/s/n), please don't touch that." "(Y/n), can we trade?" You giggled as you watched Zetsu hold up your son who was giggling while your daughter did the same with an open smile before a butterfly flew past. "Mahroze." You and Zetsu both looked at your daughter with you eyes widened. "My dear, what did she say?" "I don't speak baby language." You smiled as you looked at your daughter pointing the the rose with the butterfly on it as you giggled. "I-i think she said my rose?" Zetsu try to hand you (y/s/n) so he could take (y/d/n) in his arms instead before he stopped after (y/s/n) grabbed his cloak. "Dada." You smiled as you held your daughter closely, kissing her three inch long green hair, along with the top of your sons forehead as Zetsu's light side smiling happily as he pulled you into his lap with on hand, holding (y/s/n) in the other. "My dear, I believe (y/d/n) is going to be like me while (y/s/n) is going to be like" "You." You smiled and kissed his cheek as your twins started to fall asleep. "I would love that."
Hidan was sitting on his bed with
(y/s/n) between his legs, holding onto him with one hand while he dangled his Jashin necklace in front of your six month old son, (y/s/n), in the other. "Hey, do you think Jashin will make him immortal?" You glanced to the side with your (e/c) eyes as you folded clothes. "Hopefully." He smirked as he put his necklace on after (y/s/n) started to yank it while you smiled. "Yeah, I fuck." Hidan was cut off, not by you, but by (y/s/n) who had his hands up, trying to turn towards to Hidan. "Bwood." Your (e/c) eyes widened as Hidan's dark violet eyes did the same with a smirk. "Blood?" "Haha, that's my boy. Yes there will be lots of damn blood!" Hidan picked up your son and walked over to you handing you him as you smiled and took him in your arms after Hidan kissed your forehead. "I gotta piss." You smiled as he ruffled your son's four inch long silver hair and left the room with a smirk. You knew Hidan was proud and so were you. "Just like your father, but I have a feeling you'll be like me more." You kissed your son's head as he tried to reach for your Jashin necklace.
You were sitting outside of the Akatsuki's base with your seven month old son, (y/s/n), in your lap on the grass as you watched Kisame swim around in the lake near by. "(Y/n), when are you going to let (y/s/n) in the water?" You rolled your eyes as you held you son close watching him smile his sharp teeth at the water. "Soon Kisame." You giggled as Kisame started to swim towards the two of you before he stopped. "Sharka!" You smiled with your (e/c) eyes widened as Kisame smirked getting out of the water and sitting in front of you taking (y/s/n) in his arms. "That's right (y/s/n). Hah he looks and acts like me." You smiled as you sat up at kissed Kisame's cheek then kissing your son's forehead before you laid your head in Kisame's shoulder. "Mhm, we'll see." Kisame chuckled as he held your son, kissing the top of your head with a smirk, knowing he's right.
You gave a small yawn as you sat up in bed, your six month year old daughter, (Y/d/n), was still asleep. You smiled, Itachi wasn't in the room, you knew he was somewhere in the base but instead of going to look for him, you went to your daughter's crib, seeing her sleeping form before she woke up smiling at you. "Morning pretty girl." You lifted her up, touching your nose with hers, making her giggle. "Mum!" Your eyes widened, you saw her then look towards Itachi, making him tilt his head with a smirk and you smiling big. "Awe, I'm her first word." "Could of been better." You gave a small smirk and playful narrow eyes, then smiled once Itachi poked her and your forehead, then left the room. You looked back at your daughter, patting her back. "He's jealous."

(Hello reader-chan! Hope you enjoyed this more to come! If you haven't read my Akatsuki Boyfriend scenarios please go read before this!)

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