Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

I studied the man being a little cautious of someone I didn’t know working on my computer for security reasons. Tyler is tall with blonde hair that looked like he just rolled out of bed and deep green eyes. He wore glasses and dressed casually, must be an independent tech guy. Eddie I knew had some independent people who did work like this for our company that are contracted from the outside. Too much in-company security can compromise its integrity.

“Well I should be able to figure out when the computer was accessed last before you noticed the compromise,” oh that would be helpful. “Then I’ll be updating your firewall and virus scanner, plus changing all your passwords. No one but you should know them and don’t save them anywhere here only on something only you can access if you can’t remember them. I won’t even see them just have you type them in,” he said matter of factly.

“How long is this going to take?”

“Half an hour or so,” he already was clicking away at my computer.

I sat down in the arm chair on the other side of my desk pulling out my file for Evan and Kyle’s account. I smiled to myself knowing I would be seeing Evan in a few hours. Despite that it is a therapy appointment it still pleased me I would be with him.

I didn’t expect him to act differently with it being therapy. My tension would certainly be eased being around him though. I was looking forward to our date on Thursday too, unsure how that was going to go. It seemed like this would be a real date. Oh God. I haven’t been on a ‘real date’ in over a year. My stomach knotted from the thought.

“I found when your computer was accessed.”

My head snapped up as I jumped up to go around my desk and see what this tech guy is looking at. All I saw on the screen was computer jargon I didn’t understand. A random order of tech-like words and numbers is all I got from what he showed me.

“And?” I prompted.

“Looks like the last access point before Monday morning was Friday night just before midnight.”

My eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure,” he pointed at a line of data that read out when I looked at only that line a date and time.

I stood up from leaning over him and walked around back to my chair sitting down. How? That was the night of the party. I had left with Evan, was kissing Evan at that time. My office was locked Evan checked, he wouldn’t have lied to me.

Wait a minute. Evan checked and said it was locked.

Did someone sneak in between me and Evan leaving my office and him going back to check? It was the only explanation. They could have locked themselves in so it seemed locked to anyone who might have checked whether it was Evan or not or just night security when the party concluded making sure everything was secure. My office would have seemed locked to Evan.

That means Suzanne at lease saw me leave my office with Evan.

I hung my head down in my hands overwhelmed by the realization and shaking with rage.


“It’s Sonja,” I said though my voice is muffled as I held my head feeling dizzy.

“I need you to type in your password now.”

Without really thinking about it as I came back over to my desk I typed in the first thing that came to mind that no one would guess.

“Only a few more minutes’ mam’.”

“Okay, excuse me.”

I stood up and left my office making a straight shot to Suzanne’s.

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