Magisch Zilver (Commercial)

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Justine0906 Asked me if I wanted to make a cover for her, but for a book she want to publish. Of course I said yes because it feels amazing to be asked for that kind of stuff. So with a little bit of help from her and with our ideas I had these two examples created which she really liked.

 So with a little bit of help from her and with our ideas I had these two examples created which she really liked

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Now to us it looks like a great idea to get your vote for one of the covers

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Now to us it looks like a great idea to get your vote for one of the covers. If you walked into a bookstore, looking around for a nice book. Which cover would say: 'Hey I'am a good book, please read me!' or 'What about my jacket huh? Isn't it attractive? Wait until you read me!'

It sounds a bit lame but I hope you get what I am trying to say ;)

So say in the comments which one you would choose and maybe you'll find it some day at your own store (or on the internet, i mean, who wants to go to a store when you got internet these days? Pfft ;))

Oke see you later guys! xx

p.s I'm sorry if you didn't get my sence of humor, I got bad humor so yeah I know. ;)

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