Chapter Five

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Hermione hated staying at the hospital but she had to. The bed was uncomfortable, it was like sleeping on a rock, although she did do a spell to make it softer and the food wasn't great but Draco did bring her food from home.

When she finally got out of the hospital and got home, she saw that Draco had got toys, lots of baby toys, cars, barbies and clothes for Hallie and Dray.

Hermione had trouble walking. Her stomach hurt too much so she could hardly walk. Especially not up the stairs.

She got inside the house, walking in small steps. Sitting on the sofa, holding Dray, while Draco held Hallie in his arms, Hermione watched them. Draco was making faces at the baby, cute faces for sure but Hermione couldn't help but laugh.

"You do realise she can't see yet." Hermione said, laughing.

Draco shrugged nonchalantly.

"Draco, are you happy with this?" Hermione asked, seriously.

"Yeah I am, Hermione. I don't know why I even thought of not wanting kids with you." Draco said, looking at her, "Although... Dray looks like my father, don't you think?"

"Drake, I love you and just because we have two children doesnt mean my love for you will get any less. To be honest my love has grown." Hermione took his hand, "I can't see myself with someone else but you. And, trust me, Dray's face will change over the passing months."

"Hmm." Draco said, looking at Haillie.

They sat on the comfortable sofa, holding the children ad they talked. When it was time, Draco put them in the cot and Hermione waited downstairs. Draco came back and took her hand, helping her stand.

Hermione groaned with pain, taking small steps. Draco sighed and picked Hermione up bridal style to her immense embarrassment.

"Am I heavy?" She asked, cuddling into his chest as he climbed the stairs.

"Not in the slightest." He said, although a soft groan made Hermione think otherwise.

Draco and Hermione entered their bedroom. She saw that Draco had pushed the cots beside their beds.

"Just so you don't have to walk to much." He said, watching her.

"That's very thoughtful, thanks Drake." Hermione said, kissing him.

And both lay on the bed, going to sleep in less than a minute. They had to wake up when both Hallie and Dray cried at the same time.


Hermione could hear the phone ringing. It was as loud as rampaging hippogriffs, or maybe it was just her. Her head hurt so much, like someone pressing her brain against her skull.

"Pick up the phone, Draco." Hermione muttered, feeling his arm around her.

"Mmm," He said and after dropping something on the floor, he answered, "Hello... No, we... um... We were sleeping. Just about to get up... What? It's only... Oh! Okay. Come around at about 5. Sure, bye."

Draco swore, putting the phone down, he turned and cuddled into Hermione.

"Don't swear, Draco." Hermione muttered, "Who was it?"

"Mother and she said she's coming at five and so are the Weasley's." Draco said, cuddling into her, after a few seconds he added, "and it's 4:45pm now."

"What?!" Hermione said, sitting up but feeling the pain, she clutched her stomach, closing her eyes from the pain.

"Are you okay...? You stay here. You don't need to make dinner or anything for them. They'll understand. Please just lie down?" Draco insisted and Hermione obeyed.

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