Chapter Two

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‘Hello... Hello?’ Draco answered the phone for the second time today.

Hermione came from downstairs, her hand always on her bulging stomach. It seemed like she had become really fat over the few months. Well, fat wasn’t entirely accurate since it wasn’t like she had been eating a lot... yeah, that was a lie.

She was five months pregnant now, with two babies in her stomach. If that thought wasn’t daunting enough, she didn’t know what would be. Maybe the thought of actually giving birth to two children when she had been preparing herself to give birth to one. They kicked a lot at night and she would clutch her stomach and groan making Draco worried as well

Hermione finally got to the bottom step and handed Draco his jacket. He took it, putting the phone down with a sigh and a frown that delicately touched his eyebrows, pulling them in together.

‘Don't know who keeps calling.’

Draco put his jacket on and smiled at his wife. He leaned down and kissed her, a hand caressing her stomach which sent sparks to the place his hand was slowly vacating. Hermione grew hotter when he didn't pull away as she stared into his grey orbs, so glad she had him to help her. Finally she pulled back and smiled at him.

‘Remember to get some apples today,’ Hermione told him, kissing his cheek lightly.

Hermione had an odd craving for apples which she found funny as Draco's lips tasted of apples. Green apples, to be exact. She also had mood swings, which could be really bad at times but Draco did his best not to get angry. He had been very understanding and Hermione couldn’t have asked for more from him.

One minute she would be totally fine and the next she would be crying or angry or wanting Draco. She frowned to herself as she thought of the time she nearly hit Draco; even though it wouldn’t phase him in the slightest, she still felt guilty.

 ‘What are you thinking about?’ Draco muttered in her ear.

‘Nothing... Wait. You need to go to work.’ Hermione said and pushed him out the door, ‘and don't forget the apples!’

‘I won't! Oh, and I’ll pick up those maternity clothes after work too,’ Draco told her before smiling and pecking her lips. He left the house to go to work.

Hermione leaned on the doorframe and waved until he was out of sight, wishing they had a ton of money so he wouldn’t have to leave her. A soft sigh escaped her lips as  she closed and locked the door. Leaning against the closed door, her hands went to her stomach. She could feel them kick her again even though she had just ate!

*Ring. Ring*

The phone; she picked it up, a hand resting on her bulgy stomach.

‘Hello?’ said Hermione.


The voice sent chills down her spine and into her bones. Hermione let her eyes shut, understanding now why no voice had spoken when Draco picked up the phone. Ron. He had been calling all morning, waiting for Hermione to pick up the phone before Draco. Her heart beat sped up.

‘Ron...’ she breathed into the empty  hallway.

‘Can we meet up?’ Ron asked, coughing slightly. His voice sounded strangely quiet.

‘Ron, I don't think-’

‘Is he there?’

‘No.’ Hermione said after a few moments of silence.

‘I'll be there in 5.’

The phone clicked off and a beep filled her ears instead of the familiar voice she had heard all the way through her school career. Her eyes flickered to the mirror and she looked at her reflection. Her hair was messy as she had just woken up, her face clear from all make up and she was wearing Draco's long shirt that came up to her knees, since her other clothes didn't fit her.

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