The replacement girlfriend

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     Chase Evans is the hottest director in Hollywood and he is Disney land for the ladies he sees a girl and let's call it love at first sight and the  funny thing is that he can't get her y..cause she's his Best friend's
Fiance when a drunken night calls him to her bed and in the morning she still sticks her head for jace -her fiance.. he runs to Mexico to rejuvenate
           Krislinn loves broken men because of her past she has an undeniable attraction to them and when her latest boyfriend steals her trailer and house along with her money,she goes to her best friend Ella  who has been there for her since forever but the problem Ella has eloped with her boyfriend pedro so Krislinn uses her last card to Mexico with the intention of finding Ella since that is Pedro's hometown well she meets chase and she hates his guts...the feelings mutual anyway since they are handcuffed and glued together she offers to be his rebound and cleaner in order to pay him back and get on her feet
        The funny  thing is when she meets jace she has this killer crush for him and her and La ceinga have this really hot war which is really weird cause jace is a nerd and is very oblivious to all this well
                        ....just read it already

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