Me and Barry went back to Star Labs, Harry explained as to why the Reverse Flash or Eobard Thawne is still alive and about saving Barry's mother and actually Killing Eobard Thawne. "I'm going to end this, end him." "Let's find Dr McGee and figure out what do do about Thawne, okay?" I know Eobard Killed Barry's mother but I can't take Barry for the killing type, I hope to he doesn't go down that path.

"I got to go check in Iris." Joe walked out, "Ramon?" Harry called him over, Barry looked at Caitlin, "Don't worry, we'll get Dr McGee back." "It's not about that. It's a about Jay." "What about Jay?" Barry's always worrying and caring for others but not himself, he truly is a good friend.

"He's sick, and it's getting worst. When Zoom stole his Speed, it effected him on a cellular level. We need to do something about it." "Alright but what?" "I think we should replace his dying cells with healthy ones. New ones into his." Barry shook his head, "How do we do that?" "We find his Earth One Doppelgänger." Doppelgänger? I wonder how my doppelgänger is.... Probably less amazing and fabulous!

I walk outside and climb the building, I know there are easier ways to get to the top but I don't care. I get to the top but someone was behind me, "Abby, what are you doing?" I jumped and turned around, I see Barry, "We need some help to find Dr McGee." Me and him walk down, "Is there anyway you can find The Reverse Flash and Dr McGee?" "I think so, hold on."

I go into the shadows and race through the city, going though everyone's shadow, I see Eobard Thawne and The lady, I go outside of the building and look around. I go back to Star Labs, "Found them, their at 87 Avenue J." Barry grabbed his suit and I grabbed my mask.

We both go back see The lady workingy and The Reverse Flash looking around, Barry ran through a wall and he slammed into Eobard. He went flying into the metal fence and he looked pissed/surprised, Barry went over to the machine that didn't look finished and destroyed it. Now Eobard looked Pissed off, "That was my only way home!"

"Your not going anywhere." I look at Barry, please, please, don't kill Eobard, Barry's too sweet for that. "You two haven't won here, I will find another way back!" "You're gonna have to get through us first." "You really think your fast enough to beat me?" "Let's find out." Eobard puts his mask on, we kind of already know who he is so he really doesn't need a mask...

Barry and Eobard raced out, I went after them through their shadows. They were going through the whole city! I even think we went past my house! Barry took a short cut and slammed into Eobard, they went into a warehouse and slammed into the gate. "I'm fast enough Thawne." He punched him a few times until I stepped in, "Yo! Ba-Flash! That's enough!" I grab Barry's fist and Eobard fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

After Barry knocked him out, we went and threw him into the pipeline. We went over how Barry can't see him and how it would screw up the timeline, and I see A little blood come from Cisco's nose. "You okay?" "Yeah I'll be right back, wanna come?" "Sure."

We walked down to the Pipeline and Cisco opened the door to Eobard's cell. He was sitting down, looking bored as hell. "How'd you get your suit in your ring?" I laughed, he got That suit, in his ring?

"Who are you two?" "My name is Cisco Ramon." Eobard looks at me, "I'm Chaos." I'm not telling him my real name but he chuckled anyway, "We know each other well don't we? We have a history together?" That sounds So wrong/Weird, "You can say that." "And that's all you want to know, how I got my suit in my ring?" I laughed again, " Cisco did his hero speech and told how he has powers, I really think that's gonna bite him in the butt later...

"Bye Felicia." Right when Cisco was about to close the door I stopped him, "Wait a second." He looked at me and than nodded, he told me how to close it and than left. I looked at Eobard, "I heard you did some shit." He laughed, Yay! I got him, a villain to Actually laugh! "From what I've heard as well , yes I have." I nodded, "Want anything to eat? I'm about to go grab something." He looked confused, "You don't seem to hate me like Cisco or the Flash."

"You didn't do anything to me so I don't have a problem with you, well not a big one at least." He nodded and crossed his arms, "Dude, how are you not hot?" "What?" "All you speedsters are in Leather suits and not sweating! I don't see how that's possible." He smirked, "That's a mystery for another time." I laughed, "So do you want something to eat? Big Belly Burger just got added a new soda flavor." "Sure." I closed the door and went to go get food, I grabbed everything, I had to use my powers to hold things.

I went back and opened the door, he seen the food floating and me holding some, "You have powers as well?" "Yep." "How exactly are you going to give me that?" I smirk and go into the shadows, I ending up IN the cell and behind him, I seen him try and look for me, "Boo." He screamed and jumped into the wall, I laugh, "I'm so sorry." How is this the man who killed Barry's mother? I give him the food and we sit down next to each other.

"You do know I could kill you or use you to make the Flash let me go right?" "Yep but I could always just crush your insides and make you into Silly putty." He laughed and bit the burger, I seen his face and started to laugh again. "Y-your face." I see him use his speed to eat everything and drink all the drinks, I laughed again. I gave him my fries as well.

"I don't understand how you got a Suit like that, in a ring." He chuckled, he was about to open his mouth and talk the door opened, I made everything and myself invisible, Eobard looked around and stood up, "Is that you? Flash." "Why do you hate me so much?" I want to hug Barry now.

"I didn't always. I was obsessed with you, for so long, I wanted to be the Flash, I spent years. Figuring out how you came to be. Duplicated the reaction...And it worked." He laughed, "I became like you." "And what happened?" "This ability, traveling through time, reveled the truth. My fate was to be your greatest enemy and I was never going to become the Flash so I became the Reverse of everything your were. The more people you saved, the more you were loved, the more I had to take from you."

I want to hug all The Damn Speedsters now! And I think Zoom took the Title away from you, Zoom is kind of Faster than Barry and almost killed him. But Eobard's dreams were crushed and that sucks....

"That, that is why you killed my mother, why you ruined my life. Because you couldn't Be Me?!" Barry's about to cry and so am I. "I became better then you! I am the one thing, you can not Stop Flash!" They kept talking/Yelling and than Barry finally put an end to it and I heard Caitlin's voice call, Barry closed the door and I went Visible, I was eating a burger. "That was tense..." He huffed and sat next to me. He took one of my burger and ate it!

"You truly are evil..." He laughed and almost choked on the burger. I feel like something is wrong, I stayed visible when Harry opened the Door, he looked shocked as he held the gun, "What are you doing?!" "Eating?" I sigh and teleport all the food away and was about to teleport out but Harry opened the door. They went over everything. "I win again Flash." I punched Eobard in the arm, "Shut up! And Goodbye." I hugged his arm and he patted my head, I let go and let Him and Barry go. They ran and opened the portal, Barry threw him through.

I seen Cisco with Blood on his face, "Jeez, I ate a few burgers and everything goes to shit!" Everyone looked at me, "What?" "Nothing!" I walked away and smiled, I just ate some burgers with Barry's mothers killer.....AWESOME!

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