Chapter Two * About the MediaDirectory Profile

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Our main aim is to showcase the amazing graphic designers on Wattpad and to give writers a place to request help with their graphics. We strive to visualize your story and to provide guidance and know-how to create your graphics.

Media elements enhance a story, make a big difference in the reading experience, and draw more attention.

We aim to equip you with the know-how to create your graphics, host contests for you to hone your skills, and give you a platform to meet other graphic designers and requests from them.


Wattpad has been known for showcasing the best writers around the world. The team at the MediaDirectory wants to feature talented artists on the platform through our Portal to Graphic Wielders. If you want to be a featured designer and help the Wattpad community, this is definitely for you!

You can find information on 1) how to apply to become a Graphic Wielder and/or 2) how to request a new graphic from one of our Wielders HERE.

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