Devin blinked at me, his eyes bloodshot, "You," He muttered, "You are the sister who stole my crown."

I huffed out an exasperated sigh, "No, you dofus, you still have the crown. I'm ruling in your stead so this kingdom- did you forget about that too?- doesn't crumble away." I turned to nod at Juno.

Juno took the glass bead necklace that had been laid next to the hourglass for a long time, inhaling a deep breath, and threw the bead necklace on the floor, watching the beads break and shatter.

Even Devin stopped reaching for the tequilla, his hungover brain intrigued by magic, as most people were.

And as if it were an explosive, the beads created heavy black smoke and by the time it faded, Belinda was standing there in all her glory.

"So I assumed you called me here to surrender," She sighed maliciously.

Juno stepped forward, "Belinda, we are here to offer you something better."

Belinda barely spared her glance, "Well? What could be better than an army?"

"We offer you this." I clapped my hands once and Al walked in.

His cobalt blue eyes, like me and Dev were sparkling against his pale skin, the rich brown of his hair and his carefree posture.

Belinda turned to look at him, "This man.... Is worth an army?" She asked softly, not anger but with doubt. 

"He is Lord Alexander. He is the cousin of King Devin and he is willing to give up everything for you." I told her, my heart breaking for Al.

As if my words had broken a spell, Belinda whipped her head back to me, "And you think that offering this... Alexander is going to make me change me mind?"

"Yes, I do." Al spoke for the first time upon entering the room, his rich, husky voice echoing.

Dev frowned, "Bela, love. Just go with Al and free us from this miserable curse," His words were slightly slurred.

Belinda's gaze fell on Dev's, snorting, "You sound as miserable as you look." 

Dev stood up, surprisingly, not wobbling. He stood with the air of a King, despite his unshaved beard and his bloodshot eyes.

"Take off this curse... and as a gift for you, I offer my cousin Alexander." His voice broke slightly when he said his best friend's name.

Belinda smiled when she saw the hourglass, "Ah yes, the sand does seem to be running out."

She then smiled wider, showing teeth, "But why would I? It would only cause you more misery."

Juno frowned, "But if you spare this land, we'll forever have to rule this land thinking about what happened to Al-" Her voice broke and two tears fell from her eyes.

Juno, my best friend and adviser, who never cried, shedded tears for her kingdom.

Belinda smirked, "Well, I suppose you'll have my answer tomorrow, at noon."

She sauntered over to Al, whose cobalt eyes sparkled with love at Dev, Juno and I.

"Later, lovelies." She purred, grabbing Al's hand. They disappeared in a puff of smoke.

This time, I didn't stop Dev from reaching for the tequila bottle. He took a swig, and handed me the bottle.

For the first time in a long time, I didn't smack away the bottle or refuse. I took the tequila bottle and drank, passing the bottle to Juno.


My eyes pried open as the morning sun streamed in.

Today was the last day- when the sand ran out, when Belinda would appear. I chose a gentle light blue dress, and ate breakfast with Juno and Dev, who for the first time in a long time, had shaved and actually cared about his appearance.

No one said a word as we ate breakfast. I didn't bother looking at the hourglass, which was trickling the last of the sand away.

Devlin's cobalt eyes weren't bloodshot- but clear and intriguing like it had been before... Mom and Dad died. He was pale, but I could see some life in him where it had been taken away by the alcohol. He had styled his raven-black hair and the King's crown sat on his head, contrasting against his dark clothing.

Juno's pale face was calm but anybody actually looking at her would see the rage and fury under the mask.

We said nothing as we all took seats on the couch facing the hourglass, counting out moments until Belinda.

We were quite as the last grain of sand fell and the similar black smoke appeared, and Belinda and Al appeared holding hands.

"Have you made your choice?" I asked Belinda, as Juno stared at Al with so much love, my heart almost shattered into pieces again. Almost.

Dev raised an eyebrow, "Time as run out. What is your choice, Bela?"

Belinda smiled, her eyes sparkling brightly, "Oh, Devie, what happened to you? You no longer look like a beggar."

Juno broke in, her face back to that cold, calm mask, "Al, are you alright? Did she do anything to you?"

For the first time, my gaze drifted to Al's hand, which was holding on tightly to Belinda's hand.

"I'm fine, thank you," He replied, but the hardness in his voice was gone, replaced by softness.

Belinda turned to smile at him, and to my surprise, he managed a smile back!

"Bela?" Dev asked, his eyes darting between her and Al. "Al?" Dev reached for his sword on the table.

AL stepped forward, "Stop it, Dev, she didn't do anything to me."

Al smiled at me, "Thank you for understand, Lizzy," He said, taking in my silence as understanding, "Bela makes an amiable companion when she isn't threatening a kingdom."

Juno had gone even more pale, "Al...."

Belinda just winked, "Regarding the hourglass... perhaps I'll turn you all into sheep."

Al placed a hand on her arm, "Bela, please free my family. For me?"

Belinda sighed, "Fine, have it your boring way."

She waved her hand and the hourglass vanished and the heaviness in our chest, the burden we had to bear was gone.

Just because of that stupid, stupid hourglass.

Al smiled, pleased, and Belinda and him took off to do whatever they were going to do.

I wanted Al back. We all did.

My heart broke as the black smoke took away my cousin and a big chunk of my soul.

It was all because of that stupid hourglass, the hourglass that ripped apart Al from us and destroyed our happiness.    

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