Chapter Eighteen

Mulai dari awal

"Triple shots, ladies!" Shouted Becky as we approached them all, grabbing seats in the corner booth near the stage set-up.

Hanna threw me a wary look when the rest of the girls cheered along to throw in the odd prosecco into the mix. To take the limelight off her, I cheered along with them to pick up the drinks menu and list off the entire hardcore cocktail section to the barman who was watching us all in amusement.

Becky slid up beside me. "Yes, girl! You always were my favourite Sommerberg sister."

A quietness instilled within our group as we all turned to Hanna, who was currently giving her best friend of fifteen years a rotten look.

Becky passed over her twenty-pound note to the barman before downing two of the Vodka shots, then she plucked out her headband from her party bag to move her head back and forth. There were two moving penises attached to the two coil springs which caused some laughter around us.

A grinning Hanna was now raising her eyebrows. "Care to explain?"

Becky jumped forward to grab Hanna's hands. "Oh, hush and let's dance!"

A guy stepped onto the dance floor with a guitar in his hand to step onto the stage to play some music in time for them dashing onto the stone floor. Becky waved me over and the other girls told me they would look after the drinks when I hesitated for a moment.

Hanna kissed me hard on my cheek when I joined them, our arms wrapping around one another. "I'm so happy you're here."

I grinned. "Me too!"

"Hey, I have a question to ask you," said Becky as she poked me hard in the ribcage.

I laughed as I edged away from her boney fingers. "What?"

Her mobile phone appeared out of nowhere as she pressed the screen, zoomed in on the picture I uploaded earlier today before flipping it onto me. "Who is this hottie leaving you cute comments?"

Because of the lowlights, I had to squint as the white light coming from my phone stung my eyes a bit. It was a picture taken of Hanna and I at a fancy restaurant this afternoon. We were both grinning from ear to ear as the natural light streaming in from outside did wonders at blurring my skin.

"Oh, that's Joshua," I replied, catching sight of his comments.

You look so beautiful. Enjoy tonight, you deserve it. x

A hot flush ran through me. And then I spotted Megan's message and pedals of laughter slipped from my mouth.

If you don't look like this when you get home, then I'll be mad... (zombie emoji)

I hearted both of the comments and then realised that it wasn't my phone, but it was too late to change it when Becky took her phone back. Hanna was peeking now as it became clear that they were doing some Facebook stalking of their own.

"Jesus, Tabby, where did you find him?" Hanna said, forcing her eyes from the screen to find mine.

I spotted the picture they were looking at and my throat closed up. Joshua on top of a rock with miles of crystal blue sea beyond him with his arms wrapped around a grinning Megan as the wind whipped their hair in all directions.

It was a stunning sight.

I had to raise my voice as it got rowdy around us. "Joshua is Megan's brother. It didn't start out intending to become more than friends, but it just happened."

"Wait, are you dating him?" replied Hanna, green eyes shining back at me.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's quite new, though."

Her eyes lit up. "I just want to say that your babies would be the cutest damn things on earth."

Oh, here we go.

"Like seriously," Becky replied with her head nodding in agreement.

"Oh, quit it, you two," I said, moving my body around to the beat of the music.

Hanna took my hand once she recognised the song and gave it her all as she threw her body around the dance floor. My future children forgotten, we all sung at the top of our lungs, seeming to encourage more people on here.

"We always have sex to this song," said Hanna, shocking me with her honesty.

I gasped out loud. "Too much information!"

Becky appeared with a drink in her hand, and it wasn't until then that I realised she had disappeared. "What we talking about now?"

Hanna let her know.

Becky snapped her free-fingers together. "Oh, yeah, they made this beat for the bedroom. Bet he bloody loved it!"

"He loves a lap dance. I'm creating one for our wedding night," she said, grinning when her eyes slipped over to me.

The other girls in our group had joined us by now, handing out drinks from a big silver tray. Hanna took the glass of champagne, giving it to me on the sly so I could drink half of it and hand it back to her. It seemed to work as they all seemed preoccupied with the group of lads who greeted us as we walked in here.

"I just love the vibe in here," Hanna shouted, grabbing my hand so she could twirl me around in a big circle. "Let's dance all night!"

Letting out a joyful laugh, I beamed back at my sister when she nudged our shoulders together before letting herself go in time with the music. "Yes, let's do that," I said back.

And dance we did. It was as if the universe was giving me one last shot of happiness, before the earthquake would hit and quite literally turn my life upside down. (devastated emoji) 


I can't thank you enough for the support! You're helping me be that one step closer to my dream! ☁️

Love to you all! 💗💗💗

My Lost Hero (Angels of War Series #1) REWRITING 2024Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang