(5SOS) He Physically Defends You

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He Physically Defends You

Luke: You weren't much of a party girl, but, since your boyfriend, Luke, was in a band, you had to go to events with him; and, tonight was no exception. You stood awkwardly by the bar, waiting for Luke to come from the bathroom and make you feel less awkward, when a tall body approaches you. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?", a male voice asks. "Waiting for her boyfriend," you reply coldly, not paying too much attention on him. "Well, if her boyfriend was a smart guy, he wouldn't leave her alone," he says, grabbing your waist and kissing your neck. You were just about to kick his balls, when a voice you knew well spoke up. "It happens that her boyfriend thought that people would know better than hitting on taken girls," the guy turned around and faced Luke, smirking at his angry face. "Oh, and what are you going to do, Mrs. Angry Boyfriend?", he sarcastically asked. "This," Luke answered simply before punching the guy right in the nose. "Luke," you yelped, running to his side, only to have him wrap and arm around your waist and pull you behind him. Once the man stood up, his nose was covered in blood and sure looked like it was broken. "I'm sorry, please don't hit me," he whispered. "Leave," Luke said, the guy instantly obeying him. "Are you okay?", he asked, turning to you once he was sure the guy was gone. "I am, thanks to my prince charming," you smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.

Ashton: "Stay close to me, babe," Ashton said to you as you were about to go through a crowd of fans and paparazzo, holding tightly to your waist. The moment you got in the crowd, all you could hear was yelling and questions; "When are you going to break up?", "Are you planning on getting married?", "(Y/N), what do you think of the cheating rumors?", "Do you receive hate, (Y/N)". You could feel Ashton's grip on your waist tighten; a sign that he was angry, and tried to calm him by saying that it was okay, but he gave you a look that clearly said he knew it wasn't. "(Y/N), do you have any comments on people saying you're only with Ashton for the fame?", that was the last drop of water. You stopped walking for a minute, trying to convince yourself he hadn't said that; tears threatening to fall. Ashton turned when he felt the lack of touch, and you could see the emotions running through his face the moment he saw your state. "Who fucking said that?", he yelled to the crowd, everyone suddenly quiet. "Who fucking said she was with me only for the fame?!", he angrily looked around."I did," a pap with a bad ass expression stepped forward. "Who the fuck do you think you are to say that?!", Ashton asked, more to demanded to know, approaching him. "'Cause it's my job to say the truth," he replied simply. "Oh, here's a new thing you can add to your curriculum," Ashton said, fists into balls and stepping closer and closer to the pap, "I was punched by Ashton Irwin," he said, punching him right on the jaw, and going to your side right after it, not even caring to look back. "Come on, babe," he took your hand and lead you through the crowd; suddenly much calmer than before.  

Michael: You were at a haunted house with Michael, hands tightly wrapped around each other, and walking closer than it was possible. It didn't matter whose idea it was; it was stupid and now you knew it, but it was too late to come back, so you had to face it together. Taking every step cautiously, knowing that at any point something might jump at you, you made by most of it, jumping whenever something scared you, but never yelling or anything like that. That is, until the moment a guy dressed just like the man from "The Shining" appeared out of nowhere, pointing his ax at you. Your first instinct was to scream; the loudest you've ever screamed and jump back, giving the perfect chance for Michael to jump and punch the guy; who fell to the ground. "What the fuck Michael?", you yelled, running to help the guys, still a little careful, seeing as he had an ax on his hand and your boyfriend had just punched him. "Oh my God, man, I'm so sorry, it was instinctive," Michael explained, helping him up. "No, that's okay, you were trying to protect your girl," the guy said understandably. "We can take you to a hospital and pay for whatever you need," he said, taking your hand again. "Normally, I'd say no. But you punched me for real, so I'd appreciate it," the guy chuckled and you helped him. Now, this is a story the three of you remind of laughing, telling your other friends about "That time Michael punched a guy dressed as 'The Shining' 'cause he scared (Y/N) at a haunted house".  

Calum: You and Calum were walking hand in hand at night; enjoying the light breeze and the almost desert street all to yourselves. Obviously, your good sense told you this was a bad idea in the back of your mind. I mean, the first description was as if it was a fairy tale or a movie, but, in reality, it was you and boyfriend walking hand in hand on a desert street with a light breeze in the middle of the night; that was more scary than romantic. You knew you'd probably be robbed if you kept like that, so you started to walk with faster steps, dragging Calum with you. "Woah, calm down," he chuckled. "I don't know, this place makes me kinda scared," you said looking around. Suddenly, a guy takes your arm and turns you around, Calum turning immediately when he feels your hand slipping away from his. "Hey there, pretty girl. Mind doing me a favor?", the creep asked, but Calum got in front of you, taking your arm off his hand before you could even respond. "She's my pretty girl, and she only does me favors," he growls, punching the guy's face. You thought he'd leave after that, but, much to your surprise, the guy punched him back; which made Calum punch him again, and lead to a punch fight. Soon enough, you recovered your senses and stepped in front of them, pushing them away. "Hey," you yelled, "Get the fuck off my boyfriend, and get the fuck away from us,". Realizing his state, the guy left, and, once he was out of sight, you turned to Calum. "Calum, are you okay, babe? I'm so sorry," you said, looking at his face; covered in blood. "I'm fine," he said, and you gave him a look, "Okay, I'm not fine, but I'm sure nothings broken. Plus, you'll take care of me" he gave you a sly smile. "Of course I will," you pecked his lips, "My hero,".

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