Chapter 15

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Hiccup gazed contently at her mate who lay silent beside her, seemingly peaceful in a deep slumber. She cuddled closer to him and lay her head on her paws.

Her eyes shifted over the prone figures lying on the ground and against the cave walls. They too slept soundly. Hiccup smiled softly at her friends, glad that they hadn't abandoned her or thought she should change. They had stuck by her side, knowing that turning human again was her choice and her choice alone. They knew that forcing the decision upon her was the wrong thing to do, and they had come to help her.

She couldn't be more thankful to have friends such as these and a mate as wonderful as Toothless. Hiccup knew she had a good life, but she found upon realizing that she missed her father.

Hiccup wanted her father to be part of her life. She wanted him to be there for her and support her decisions like any father should. However, after making a decision that should've been hers to make and sending a dark witch after her, she knew she could no longer trust the man.

It saddened her to know that he may never be a part of her life again. Sure, she did feel angry and frustrated with the man for not respecting her wishes, but her was her father and she loved him. It was only natural to want her only parent beside her, approving of her choices.

But Hiccup knew that wasn't her father. Her father was a stern man. He was almost emotionless, a good Viking who wasn't sappy about things and hid his emotions well. He wasn't the type of father who patted her on the back and constantly praised her. But, regardless, she still missed him.

Looking upon her mate once more gave Hiccup a sense of relief and happiness. Even of her father wasn't here, she had an amazing mate who would always be at her side.

Hiccup had come to realize that Toothless was her everything. Nothing into he world could compare to him. In her eyes, he was best thing that had ever happened to her and she thanked the Gods that they had brought them together.

She smiled softly at him, nuzzling him gently. Maybe one day they'd have a family of their own, when all this craziness had calmed down. Hiccup didn't think that would be too bad. She knew Toothless would make a wonderful father.

Suddenly, she frowned. Even if she was female on the outside, did it mean she had changed on the inside too? Was she female on the inside as well? Or had she remained void of female parts there?

It bothered her to think of such trivial things. Hiccup knew she wanted a family with Toothless and it slightly dampened her mood when she thought about the possibility of not being able to provide him one. Her instincts as a dragon were screaming for her to do so, instincts that she had been ignoring for quite some time. Hiccup didn't want to get her hopes up. Besides, what if Toothless didn't even want a family in the first place?

Hiccup decided it was too soon to be thinking of such things. After all, there was a crazy witch after them and they had plenty of other things to think about. A family could wait. The present was important, not the future.

Toothless stirred beside her and she cuddled in closer to him, settling him. He draped a wing over her smaller form and she smiled. She licked his cheek before settling, closing her eyes and allowing sleep to take hold.

Morning light filtered into the cave from its mouth, causing many to groan in frustration, pulling hats down or throwing arms over their eyes to shield themselves from it.

Astrid scrunched her nose and rolled over, only to find herself face to face with a dragon's snout. She frowned, pushing the large head away. She was too far asleep to even care what species it had been or even which one.

The snout gave a snort of protest, its hot breath washing over her and blowing her hair around her face. She frowned from the tickling sensation it gave her, but otherwise continued to go back to sleep effortlessly. The dragon was obviously annoyed by this as it irritably blew hot breath over her again, although this time it sent her recoiling. Her hand shot up to her nose and she gagged.

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