Chapter 14

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Worried wasn't the word to describe what he was feeling.



Panicked was exactly what he was!

Toothless whined, glancing longingly at the entrance of the cave.

His mate, his Hiccup, was in danger.

Toothless knew not if Hiccup was safe from the witch or if she was safe at all. He cursed the Gods for letting this happen. He cursed them for being injured and not being able to help his mate.

He had told Hiccup to run, and she had. There was an explosion and Toothless knew not if it meant his mate's death or her safety. All he could do was lay here in this cave and wait for the human to return.

Toothless whimpered, then turned to growl at his injuries. It hurt to move them too much as the plummet had left him worse for wear, but he was a dragon and dragons had extraordinary healing powers. It wouldn't take long for his wounds to heal and when they did, he was out of here.

He wouldn't sit a minute longer in this cave, worrying and only hoping that his mate was okay.

The very thought of Hiccup hurt or even worse left him berating himself.

As her mate it was HIS job to protect her.

Protect. Provide. Love.

Every male had those three duties to his mate.

A male dragon was to protect his mate from all harm.

A male dragon was to provide his mate with anything they needed and wanted.

A male dragon was to love his mate above all other things.

Toothless had broken two of those duties.

He hadn't protected Hiccup. He had failed her. If he had seceded, they would be together, safe and away from all danger. If he had protected her like he was supposed to none of this would have happened.

Now that they were separated, he couldn't provide for his mate. He couldn't take care of her and for a dragon to not be able to provide for their mate was unspoken of. A dragon cannot be considered a good mate if they fail to provide and care for their bonded one.

Toothless frowned, growling softly.

As soon as he found his mate, his Hiccup, he was going to ensure that he would protect her from now on.

He won't fail her again.

The wind whipped around her and through her hair as she and her armored dragon shot through the skies.

Narrowed eyes scanned the air and land, searching for any clues that would lead her to the object of her intentions.

The Night Fury had been insufferable, unable to calm. It had gone mad with panic and worry for its rider and the only way it would settle down was to promise to go looking for said rider.

Heather groaned.

She may have not known Hiccup for very long and she hardly knew anything about him, but one thing she did know was that trouble followed the poor boy like a lost puppy. He was a walking accident magnet just waiting for trouble to come along.

Knowing Hiccup, the boy could be anywhere. Heather nearly groaned from exasperation.

Sure, she was at least the tiniest bit worried for his safety, but Heather knew that Hiccup was smart boy and could most likely get himself out of any sticky situation that didn't require brute strength.

httyd fanfiction hiccup is a female night fury Where stories live. Discover now