Fallen Angel

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     I walked up to Yggdrasil tree to give up the benevolence I earned from helping the mortals in the procreate. My master, Aquila, who I'm deeply hurt by, stood aside from me. I over heard him say to Columba that he was unwilling to give me guardianship of Angel Falls. It was only because of Apus Major that I have the role. He never believed in me, as his pupil, I guess. Aside from that, I trusted him and thought he really did believe in me. I let those moments go and offered the benevolence to the glorified tree. It shimmered a golden yellow and produced a fruit called a fygg. In fact, there were seven of them.

"Well done, Y/N!" Apus Major exclaimed. "The fruit you see before you are from the benevolence you have gathered. The Almighty praises you and the prophecy is foretold!" I gave him a cheeky smile and brushed back my (h/l) (h/c) hair behind my ear.

     Aquila walked up to me and smiled. Before he could say anything, the starlight express sprouted out it's golden flare and yielded to a stop. All the celestials were mesmerized by it's beauty, until purple rays of light penetrated the clouds and shot the starlight express down into flames. I held my ground and watched the observatory in horror.

"What is the meaning of this!? Where we mistaken, deceived?!" Apus Major shouted. He gripped his cane tightly as everyone fell to the floor. My body was slammed to the floor and I glanced at Aquila, who was struggling for his grip. Then, I was blasted by the rays and was barely conscious. I watched the observatory grow farther away as I tried to cry out for help.

"Y/N!!!" I heard my master yell. I tried to reach out to his husky voice, but all I remember was falling and everything turned black.

     I woke up in a room unfamiliar to me and got up. As I got up, I tried to spread my wings and lift myself, but I couldn't.

"That's strange...where are my wings?" I asked to myself and searched for them. I realized, I lost them.

"You're awake!" A woman came through the door. I remember her, she's Erinn.

"Hello, you can see me?" I asked the blue haired girl.

"Yes? Are you feeling okay? You must've fallen down the waterfall during the earthquake. It was quite big," she chuckled.


"Yep! I doubt you remember since you've fallen so high."she was lively and full on sunshine. A pure heart.

"I'm going to go take a look outside, ok?" I smiled at her.

"You just woke up, you shouldn't be moving," she replied concerned.

"It's okay, I'll return," I said as I departed. I walked to the guardian statue and read the description, "Y/N, Guardian of Angel Falls". It didn't look much like me though. I sighed and looked up towards the heavens.

"Aquila, I'm sorry," I cried. "I miss you, I miss my wings, my halo, my home...why did this happen?" I sobbed. "You were right, I wasn't ready...and I'll never be..." I shut my (e/c) eyes and hugged my mortal figure.

"Um, excuse me?" Erinn walked up to me. I wiped away my tears and looked up at her.

"Yes?" I answered with a quivering voice.

"I never got your name, mine's Erinn," she smiled at me.

"I'm Y/N."

"Just like our guardian!" She chirped up.

"Yeah, just like your guardian," I sadly smiled.

"What's wrong, Y/N?"

"I just...I really miss someone right now," I looked at the waterfall. The light breeze exhaled an air of fresh water.

"I see...I too miss someone of my own," she sat down next to me.

"Could it be your late father?" I asked.

"How did you know?" She looked at me with astonishment.

"Uhh...just a lucky guess," I nervously smiled.

"Well, who do you miss, Y/N?"

"I really miss my teacher. He was always strict, but he had compassion towards me. He's very tall, and strong. Maybe even handsome in his own way. I was mad that he didn't believe in me, so I went to prove myself worthy of...becoming like him," I sighed.

"Sounds to me that he's more than a teacher~" Erinn giggled.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her with confusion.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Like? I respect him greatly, but I don't-" she cut me off.

"Well, you better find him soon!"

"It's more of the other way around..." I mumbled under my breath.


"Aha...nothing," I stood up and walked to a quiet deserted place. It was more peaceful here, yet I still had Aquila on my mind. I lied down in the grassy meadow as I felt a presence nearby.

"Y/N!" I heard his voice yell. I shook my head and cursed my imagination. "Y/N!" I got up to my feet and saw Aquila flying at a quick speed.

"Aquila!" I shouted back at him. How was I able to see him? Am I not mortal? He heard my voice and landed firmly on the ground next to me.

"I've searched everywhere for you, my pupil. Do you know how long that took me!? 2 weeks!" He flicked my forehead.

"Ow! I just recovered ok?" I rubbed my forehead. He pulled me into his embrace and nestled against me. I felt my mortal heart flutter and tingling sensations throughout my body. It's been over 3000 years since I've felt this.

"You had me very worried, Y/N," Aquila combed his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, I like you too," I smiled widely and heard him chuckle.

"You're my only pupil, and the only one I love. You're fit to be anyone's guardian except I be yours."

We exchanged a light kiss and the heavens smiled.

Aquila x Fem! Reader One Shots! Dragon Quest IVWhere stories live. Discover now