Just like that, the two Sonics began racing down the tree, leaving a gush of air to blow through your fur. You couldn't help but feel a small ping of worry for the hedgehog; could he be way over his head this time? You decided to focus on Axel for the time being, and hopefully the other freedom fighters would be there to help the Blue Blur if he needed any assistance.

You turned towards your new opponent, and met with a long chain heading straight into your face. On instinct, you jumped to avoid the upcoming attack. Sadly, you made the wrong choice as the cold metal wrapped around your feet instead of your head. You fell to the ground, laying on your stomach as you tried to free your legs. Heavy footsteps pounded behind you, sending your nerves into a frenzy with anxiety.

Suddenly, the chain around your legs tightened slightly before turning you towards your enemy. Axel was recoiling the chain back on his wrist gauntlets, dragging you closer and closer to him. You tried and tried again to free yourself from your metallic hold, but you were stuck. You felt yourself being lifted into the air as the chain continued to shorten up. Soon, you were hanging upside down in front of an aggravated buffalo. His gnarly breathe drowned your sense of smell as he shot fumes of air out his nostrils and into your face.

"Any enemy of the great Doctor is an enemy of mine," he stated coldly. "Destroying a legendary freedom fighter will make him very pleased."

Still failing at escaping the tight hug of evil you were in, you decided to stall for time. The other freedom fighters had to be close to you; you just had to keep Axel in place unti they arrived. You had to act quickly, however. The Egg Boss was already P.O.ed, so he probably wasn't in the mood to stand around with you in his grasp; you assumed he wanted to lock you up as captive as soon as possible.

It seemed like you were right. Axel tossed you over his shoulder, knocking the air out of you small lungs. He started walking away and back to his base in the tree.

"WAIT!!" you screamed.

Axel pulled you off his shoulder and dangled you in front of his face. You hadn't thought through your plan very well. In fact, you had no idea what to say next. You just had to stall for time, right? Either Sonic would finish his fight with Metal, or the other freedom fighters would show up to help you out. You just had to keep the buffalo where he was.

"What are you stopping me for, child?" the Buffalo demanded in a rough voice.

You swallowed your anxiety before saying, "Um, do you really think it's a good idea to lock me up and destroy me in a place without guards. I mean, your in pretty bad shape, Metal Sonic is busy with Sonic, and your entire army has wounded and exhausted from the other freedom fighters. I don't think that's a very good plan."

The Egg Boss huffed in annoyance. "Let us pretend I don't know about your little scheme to escape by stalling me." Dang, this guy was smart. He began walking as he continued, " The Doctor has specifically asked for you, dear (Y/N). Reason is unknown to me, but I plan on following his orders to the 'T.' Once I tell my leader about your presence in my custody, I'm certain he will stop whatever he is doing to get you."

You only stared at Axel in bewilderment. Did the doctor still hold a grudge against you for blowing up one of his machines? It was possible, but you would think that Axel would rather go after Sonic than you. Perhaps he just wanted one of the freedom fighters to hang in chains like a prize.

Just as your captor was beginning to walk again, you felt intense heat hit the cold chains by your wrists. You felt some pain as the burned metal singed your fur and skin. Another wave of heat hit your chain, breaking the links that held you. You fell to the ground, head first. You were fine after the fall, only slightly dizzy, but you would live. You looked up behind you, as did Axel. Floating in the air with smoke rising out of her arm cannon was none other that Bunnie Rabbot. She lifted up her mechanical limb and blew on the smoke.

"Hope ah came at a good time, Sweetie Belle," the freedom fighter said as he moved some hair out of her eyes.

"You couldn't have made a better entrance!!" You giggled and smiled in response.

You watched as your friend flew straight at the Buffalo, a powerful fist collided with his snout at record-breaking speeds. He stumbled back and touched his sore nose before growling. He aimed a chain towards the flying mobian, only to have you intercept and pull the chain down to the ground. This opened Bunnie up for another shot, and she sent a painful ball of energy straight into the Egg Boss's gut.

While he was stumbling, you used the opportunity to wrap the long chain around the enemy's legs. He was off-balance, and the cyborg was able to attack once again. This time, she hit him in the back, knocking the villain forward. He fell with a grunt, but now he was upset.

Using his other chain gauntlet, Axel aimed a chain at you. You were barely able to jump away and dodge, but the chain managed to hit a large, but unstable free branch. With a good pull, the branch became a long wrecking ball that hit both you and Bunnie to the ground. The Egg Boss used the little time he had to release his legs and untangle his other chain.

You and Bunnie peeled yourselves off the ground and suddenly had to dodge two chains hurling towards you. When the missed, Axel grunted and charged at you with sharp Buffalo horns. You managed to jump put of the way, but your ally had another idea. Using her immense strength, she managed to halt Eggman's minion to a somewhat complete stop. She couldn't hold him for long, so you acted as quickly as possible.

You used Axel's own chains against him as you locked his arms up to a strong, sturdy tree. Soon, he couldn't move at all. You found an interesting button on the gauntlet and pushed it, making the chains roll back up and pull the buffalo into the tree. The chains pulled so quickly that the Egg Boss hit the back with a thud. To ensure that he wouldn't budge, Bunnie was able to change his hand cannon into something similar to a blow torch and burn the chain links together. You high-fived your friend and smiled at your success as Azel tried breaking free of his metallic hold.

The two of you started heading back towards the others while laughing about everything and anything. As you walked, you still couldn't find any sign of the Blue Blur. He could've been anywhere with his metal nemesis. Just as you were thinking of him, Metal Sonic's broken and severed head fell out of the sky, almost crushing you from above. You were very lucky Bunnie had pulled you back in time. Of course, you had to suspect that be would pop put of anywhere; you just didn't suspect it to include almost bring crushed by a heavy piece of evil steel.

Sonic swung down from a tree branch above with scratches all over him. You also noticed that he couldn't open one of his eyes, but his classic smirk told you he was just fine. He also clutched a bright Chaos Emerald in his fist, his prize. He picked up the head of his enemy with pride as he spun it around in his hand.

"I probably should've said 'heads up,'"Sonic began, "but I couldn't since it was falling down!!! Get it!?!?!"

"Nice job, Sugah Hog!!" Bunnie exclaimed. You smiled as the hedgehog bowed in front of you.

Holding the head in his hand like a skull, Sonic began in a funny accent, "Now, to be or not to be? That is the question. I think we should choose to be at Sky Patrol ready to PARTY!!!!"

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