"Savior one-zero, how copy? Savior one zero, the LZ's clear."

There's that feeling again. And it was the one she got she her tattys were near. Harley looked around behind her and glancing at Shivani who was looking at the bird with furrowed brows. Something wasn't right. The helicopter was starting to turn around.

"Boss, they're not talking to me."

"Our birds been jacked." Flag says in realization.

Then she remembered the Jokers text to Harley. I am close be ready...

"Light it up!"

Shots were fired from their end. The helicopter began to shoot as well and everyone on the team aside from Flag's men quickly went to find a cover as they were all under fire. Diablo placed his body over Shivani's while they ducked down and hid behind one of vents on the roof. Her back against the metal she covers her ears with a grimace at all the loud noises of rapid fire, bullets clinking and bouncing as the hit metal. Mission or not could they literally not go a full hour without guns blazing?


She peaked her head out a smidge and saw the blonde was walking up the steps to the runway towards the helicopter while bullets whipped past her. She took off her jacket and let it fall off her arms and started running, before jumping off the roof and grabbing onto the rope that was dangling out for her. The firing ceased and they all got up and out from behind their cover and watched as Harley waved to them all blowing a mock kiss. Shivani watched her go with sad eyes. But cracked a small smile knowing that she'd be okay. That her friend was with someone she loved and cared about her.

Even if he was a complete psychopath.

"Don't think I'm gonna forget about ya, beautiful!"

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"Don't think I'm gonna forget about ya, beautiful!"

Harley winks holding out her free hand towards the tattooed beauty. She meant what she said--she would came back for her friend and didn't want her to doubt it for a second. Shivani does the same, lowering her arm down slowly as she continued to fly away.

"Deadshot! Shoot that woman right now!" Waller says walking up to him.

"She ain't do shit to me." Floyd said.

"You're a hitman, right? I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn." Shivani took a defiant step forward but Diablo, Croc and Digger all kept her from taking another one, "Do it for your freedom and your kid." Floyd gave a quick glance over at Shivani who was shaking her head, eyes pleading.

"Now she dead." There was no moment of hesitation.

Floyd set his gun on the ledge getting ready to aim. His finger hovering over the trigger as he aimed for the perfect shot. The Clown queen flipped upside down on the rope one leg spread in the air while the other was wrapped around the rope. The shot through the air and a gasp left her as her friends body in winds and hanged limp on the rope. Swinging in the air. But then ten seconds later Harley sprung back to life, lifting up her head with a laugh. Never had Shivani felt such relief. Floyd picked up his gun and leaned over towards Waller.

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