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After finally getting rid of her mother Regina started learning magic, but she couldn't keep it from Rumple. Her pregnancy that is. Rumple quickly found out and wanted to experiment with the baby. Regina refused, so Rumple came up with another plan. He kept teaching her magic until the baby was born.


I lay on the bed screaming and grabbing the sheets. "One more push!" My father says. I nod and push again screaming the candles in the room flicker and the next thing I heard is the sound of a baby screaming. My breathing is heavy and my body is weak. I smile as my father hands me my baby and says, "It's a girl!". I take my baby into my arms and kiss her head, tears rolling down my face. I look up at my father and my expression is blank, I was so weak. My head softly hits the pillow and my father reacts with an instant yelling to the maids, "Get her some more water!". He comes to my side "you'll  be okay." I nod and look him in the eyes, "Daddy I love you.". To my surprise he winces,curling into himself. "Daddy!" I scream. He falls to the ground and Rumple stands behind him holding his heart. "Your dad for your new born." Rumple demands with a smirk on his face. I hold the little one close, my dad on the floor wincing tells me," I'm not worth it. Don't let him have her.". Rumple yells "Shut up!" Squeezing his heart. My father winces and smiles with his face soaked from tears. "I love you." I look at Rumple, "Please stop!". The older man shakes his head. "Last chance." My face is covered in tears still holding my daughter tightly,looking at my father unable to help him as lays dying. I watch as he falls to the ground and the ashes of his heart fall from Rumple's hand. "Daddy!" I scream, I couldn't move, I was too weak. Rumple walks towards me and I pull my baby close to me. "Give me the child!". I scream, "No!". Rumple starts to grab the child but is shot back by something. He lands against the wall but quickly gets up. I place my hand flat on the bed and think of his dagger and it appears in my head. The closer he come the tighter my grip on the blade becomes. I finally raise the blade and hold it up in front of Rumple, "Rumple I command the to leave me and my child alone. Never come near her again!". He says nothing just disappears in a cloud of red smoke. I sigh and drop the dagger on the bed and use all my energy to get up while holding my baby and lay over my father. My baby screaming, I now too screaming, holding on to my father, then he vanishes to ash. I sit there crying, holding my baby close. Until the tears just stop falling.

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