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In memory of those who died on 9/11 I'd like to write this chapter.

It was a sad day in our country's short history. It was one of the longest and hardest ones too.

I wasn't born until after it happened, but I know people who were there/nearby. It left the speechless and scared.

How could this be happening?

This can't be real.

But it was, and each year we take this day, 9/11, to remember what happened, and to remember those that lost their lives.

When those towers fell, when the Pentagon was hit, and when the passengers of United Flight 93 stopped what could've been a third attack; the United States went into panic.

But for a time we came together.

Countless people besides those that were in the initial attacks lost their lives. People went in to help and many didn't come back.

We've rebuilt since then, but the scar is still there. From the monuments to the people who lost family and friends. It is still fresh in our minds, and it should remain that way.

9/11/01 We Will Not Forget

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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