About me

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21st of October 2013

I'm not going to school today, partly because I have a stomach ache and partly becuase I dont know hw Kirsten will treat me now that I've told her. Will she treat me differently just becuase I think I'm a lesbian? For all I know I could be just going through a phase and this will end in a few weks.

Probably not, but anyway.

About me

I live in Australia

I'm in a girl band

I play bass, classic and electric guitar as well as the flute, recorder, keyboard and I have been singing in a chior since I was 7

I have only been over seas once when I was six 

I am a brunette

I wear glasses

When I'm tired my eyes go bright blue but other times they are just a blue-grey colour.

My grandmothers both immigrated from Europe and my great grandma was an illegal immigrant from Serbia.

When I grow up I want to be a journalist and write poems

I honestly think that gays are awesome and their relationships are sweet.

I am currently in grade 8

I have a large group of people who I hang out with but  wouldn't concider them all friends.

I used to play netball at the start of the year and I used to play GK or GD

I have a slight british accent from who-knows-where

According to my friends I am way more mature than them, I agree.

I scare people sometimes because I get depressed a lot

When I was younger I was on a mission to kiss this girl on the lips

I've been learning musical instruments my entire life.

I hope that these little facts didn't bore you to death


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