Chapter 24

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Nerissa slumped on the floor, rocking and laughing, the picture of madness. Vikus approached and crouched beside her.

"Nerissa, perhaps you should rest a big longer. Are you feeling ill?" he asked.

"Oh, no, I am well! We are all well!" Nerissa giggled ecstatically. "The warriors have fulfilled the prophecy."

"No, Nerissa," said Vikus gently. "They did not succeed in killing the Bane."

"Vikus," said Nerissa, "the baby lives. So live the warriors' hearts. The gnawers do not have their key to power."

Vikus looked as if he had been electrocuted. He sat down hard on the floor beside Nerissa.

"This is what Sandwich meant?" he said incredulously. "We never even considered it!"

"The baby was not Boots," Belle realized, eyes widening. "It was the Bane."

"Yes," said Vikus, nodding and smiling.

Falling back a few steps, Belle sat on the cube. Die the baby, die their hearts, for each their most essential part. Her most essential part was the part that had spared the Bane's life. If she had killed that pup, she would have lost herself forever.

"You know," said Vikus, turning to Belle as if they were the only two in the room. "I am continually amazed by how badly we interpret Sandwich's prophecies. Then, the moment it is understood..."

"It is all clear as water," agreed Belle. "'What could turn the warriors weak? What do burning gnawers seek? Just a barely speaking pup, who holds the land of Under up.'"

"The gnawers sought the Bane..." said Vikus.

"Who is just a barely speaking pup!" cried Belle. "Sandwich even went so far as to use the gnawers' own word for a baby." She grinned. "And the Bane holds the land of Under up, because if Gregor and I had killed it..."

"Total war," Vikus confirmed. "Its death would have been enough to rally them. Taking that pup to Ripred was a stroke of genius, Belle. Oh, they will not know how to parry that move."

"Queen Nerissa, are we to continue this trial?" the chief judge finally asked, interrupting them.

Nerissa looked up as though she was surprised by her surroundings. "Trial?" she said. "For the warriors? Of course there will be no trial! They have saved the Underland!" She got to her feet, using Vikus for support, and saw the other defendants staring back at her. She directed her next words at Ares. "And all who helped them are held in our highest regard." Ares bowed his head respectfully.

"Will you dine with me, you six? You look half-starved," said Nerissa. That seemed ironic coming from her, but it was a welcome invitation.

Somewhat dazed by the swift turn of events, Belle, Gregor, Ares, Bastet, Howard and Andromeda straggled out of the courtroom behind Nerissa. She led them into a small, private dining room with a table that could seat eight. In one corner, water trickled into an elegant fountain. Tapestries hung on the walls. Belle could tell they were brought by the very first Underlanders, because they depicted scenes from the Overland: a sunny meadow, a mountain lake, a blazing sunset. It was a peaceful, calming place.

"This is nice," said Gregor.

"Yes," Nerissa replied. "I often take my meals here."

They all sat down and were soon served fish stuffed with grain and herbs, vegetables arranged in geometric patterns, steaming bread studded with fruit, paper-thin piles of roast beef, and Ripred's favorite, shrimp in cream sauce. Heaping plates were placed before each of them.

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