Chapter 4

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 Belle woke tangled in her sheets, soaked in a cold sweat. Her dark hair sprawled across the pillow, damp and tangled. Rolling onto her back, she pressed her clammy hands to her face, pushing all thought from her mind for a few moments.

Something soft brushed her arm, and with a groan, Belle sat up, extricating herself from the sheets.


Belle jumped, turned, and came face to face with Ares. "Ares!" she cried aloud, and lurched awkwardly into his wings. He chuckled, arranging them so that she sat comfortably across his lap.

He chuckled softly, stroking one cool claw down her cheek. "Oh, so you do care."

Belle scowled, suddenly indignant. "You idiot!" she snapped, elbowing him in the ribs. "Of course I care about you. Where have you been, anyway?"

There was a pause as Ares exhaled huffily. His wings tightened around her. "I just needed...some time," he eventually told her. "To be alone, think. You understand?"

Another moment of silence, while Belle contemplated whether she really did understand what Ares was trying to tell her. She thought so--he had taken off for who-knows-where for the same reason she had locked herself in the water room before dinner. So it was just her, and the warm water, and her thoughts.

"I do," she said, and Ares sighed with relief, "but--Ares, next time...please, could you tell me if you are just going to disappear like that? Who knows what could have happened, circumstances being...what they are."

"I will," whispered Ares. Belle studied his face.

"Do you promise?"

"I do," he said clearly, holding her tightly. "I promise, Belle."

She nodded, satisfied. "Thank you."

After dressing in a dark tunic and pants and weaving her long hair into a single braid, Belle led the way into the dining room. She and Ares breakfasted together before flying to the arena.

When Ares touched down on the mossy ground, they were greeted by the sight of Mareth crushing Gregor in a bear hug.

"Mareth!" called Belle, running over. "He cannot breathe!"

With a hearty laugh, Mareth released Gregor, turning to grin widely at them. "Ares and Belle!" he said in mock surprise. "Why, how kind it is of you to join us."

Belle rolled her eyes at him. "We are perfectly on time and you know it, Mareth." Turning to Gregor, she smiled and resting her hands on her hips. "You are to do general training with me," she said to him.

"You're a teacher?" asked Gregor, cocking his head to the side.

"Of course," Belle replied with a grin. "I finished testing for this position just yesterday." She took his arm and together they walked to a group of Underlanders about Gregor's age. Luxa was among them. Gregor took the space beside her as Belle greeted her class. "Hello!" she said.

"Hello, Miss Harker," they answered as one. Miss Harker?

"Hi, Belle," said Luxa, seeming amused.

"We are going to start with some stretches," said Belle, stifling a chuckle. She smiled as she sat down on the moss and demonstrated a series of pretzel-y stretches for her pupils. Most of them imitated her moves perfectly--except Gregor. He tried his best, but Belle knew enough to say her friend wasn't naturally limber.

Next the group did strengthening exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks...finally, they ran a few laps around the arena. Gregor's long, lean build was perfect for this, and he looked satisfied that he was the only one keeping up with Belle in this exercise. She congratulated him at the end and he glowed with the praise. His pleasure quickly wore off, however, as they began tumbling.

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