September 11 Sunday 2016

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My ex got a new girlfriend and she pregnant but he still  wants me back.
I told him he ruined
it back then and it made him expressionless I guess because he doesn't want to show his emotions.
He always tells me that I still miss him but
I tell him no and
give him no emotion as usual.
He then wants to start bringing up the past about us and says I
was his wife but I
just ignore him and say nothing I'm kinda happy he left me because it taught me to trust no one and don't always be dependent on them.
The most messed up part is that my mom doesn't trust me around him when he's the one always trying to have a normal conversation and my mom thinks we are having sex.
I'm just so fusterated and stressed.
But the good thing is I'm having fun in color guard and I've made new friends and we had performed in alot of our games.
Thanks for listening
to all my problems guys love you all.😚

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