Waking up (2)

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George and I stayed With Fred for one week before he showed signs of improvement.

It's been two weeks since the day of the letters. The Ministry was reluctant but agreed to extra time to get married. They thought I was lying to get additional time. They tried to get me married next week! My soon to be husband is in a coma because a wall fell on him! So, now I'm pretty grateful for my spare time.

I was reading when I heard George gasp lightly. I gasp too when I look up.

Is Fred moving?

"George, is he moving?" I said.

"Yes, we need a healer," he answered with the most joy-filled expression he has had since we thought Fred died. "Healer!" He yelled. While George left for a healer, I stayed.

"Hi..." Fred said slowly.

"Hello," I paused, took a breath, and laid down the facts, "So, we are getting married in a month, you really need to get better." I replied.

He chuckled at my bluntness. "I don't remember asking Miss Granger," Fred said simply, a small grin on his face.

"And you shouldn't. A Marriage Law was enforced. We were paired by the Ministry."

"Ahhhh," Fred's smile fell a little. "Who did the rest of us get?"

"Well, Ginny and Harry got put together, they would have fought the Ministry if they hadn't been put together, so that's not shocking. Oh, you'll love that Ronald got Lavender Brown," I see a grin on Fred's face at Ron's match, I continue. "Charlie is exempted because he lives in Romania, George and Luna are matched, and then us, I haven't planned the wedding yet I wanted to make sure you were going to live, and that you would like to be my husband and not a muggle."

"I'd like to think we would make an excellent couple Miss Granger. So, how long have I been out..."

"Out alive as we know, 2 weeks."


"Yeah, well, we had thought you were dead. It was chaos, we were all broken, but we won, that might have been the only thing keeping your mother sane, that you didn't die in vain, I guess that doesn't matter anymore," I looked at Fred with a sheepish smile.

The door slammed open, and redheads started filling the room. Hermione could not believe how quickly they came and started crowding around Fred. Hello, how are you's and thank Merlin's were heard all through the room.

Everyone was in so much joy that I had to leave.

I couldn't stay.

The reason is simple, I was not in the mood for joy and happiness, and I did not want to ruin it for the rest of the Weasley's. Harry and the Weasley's should talk for a while. I already did. I saw a healer. And asked if they were one that helped Fred. She said yes. Thank Merlin, I didn't necessarily want to go and find a healer.

"When will Fred be allowed to go home," I asked the healer. She replied with "tomorrow morning, luckily, while he was in a coma, his body did its job and did most of the major healing," which means that I can get to know him a little more. I haven't seriously talked to Fred or George since the first year, and now that I am about to marry him, I should really talk to him.

I wonder how long I have now that he is awake. Will the Ministry start the clock for the wedding now, or in a week? I should probably owl Percy. I should also be writing down some of my wedding ideas for when Fred and I start to plan the wedding seriously.

Which should be soon I guess. Who's going to come to the wedding? What's the theme? Rushed? Merlin no.

"Are you happy?" questioned a voice from behind me. "About what, Ronald? And why aren't you visiting with your brother right now?"

"About being matched with Fred, Hermione. I need to know where you stand when it comes to Fred."

"Yes I am happy, Fred is a wonderful person, with determination and a kind smile. Besides, I could have been paired with someone like Malfoy." Although even Malfoy seems like a better choice than Ronald.

"Or me."

"Yes. Or you. But you are like a sibling to me, so it would have been weird. And I don't think I could have ever loved you like that."

"We could have been an amazing couple, and we can still have that."

"There never was that, and no, we could never, I quite like being a witch. I do not want break laws or break Fred's trust, oh and I want you to avoid me at all costs, Ronald."

"Hermione, this is for love."

"It really isn't. Goodbye, Ronald." I walked away, Ron looks madder than the Mad Hatter, but I liked Fred long before I even met Ron.

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