Chapter One - "Lifeline"

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               Coughing, I sat up before arching my back in pain.  A white hot searing pain was exploding in my back.  I bit down on my lip, hard, to stop myself from screaming out.  I couldn't focus on anything else; this pain was too immense.  It felt like something was trying to claw its way out!

               “Immi!”  Who was this Immi?  I didn't understand.  All I wanted was this pain to go.

               “Emily, shut it.”  Someone snarled at the first person, Emily.  I recognised the names... but where from?  “Just let the doctors deal with her.  Don't let them take her blood; you know the rule.”  Those two voices stopped before I let out a scream; one that I didn't even recognise!

               After that, everything was a blur and faded into black.  All I could think was to remember to thank the person who stopped that blinding pain in my back...

               “Imogen?  Oh, deary, wake up.”  I heard a soft voice ask, and I opened my eyes.  Still confused; who was Immi?  Or Imogen?  Who were the other two voices?  This certainly wasn't one of them!  I was sure.

               The first thing I noticed was white.  Everything was white but it didn't seem to unease me one bit.  The colour seemed to relax me.  I had a feeling that most people would feel frightened if they saw themself in a room full of white....  The next thing I noticed was the woman sat next to me.  She wasn't young but not old either... maybe in her thirties?  Was that it?  It sounded right to me...

               “Oh, she's awake.  I'll get the doctor for you.”  I heard another new voice.  I looked to see a woman in some sort of bland clothing... that was weird.  I watched as she exited the room.

               “Imogen, we'll get you out of here.  I'm taking you back home.  I'll make sure that Caroline and Emily get an acceptable punishment.  Their behaviour!”  There were those names again.  This woman looked so similar but yet I didn't recognise her.

               “I'm sorry, ma'am.”  I said, the words sounding right.  “Who are you?”

               “Imogen, don't be silly.  You know who I am.”

               “B-but... I don't.”  Something was telling me that I should know who she was – but it felt like I was trying to cross a broken bridge.  No matter how hard you tried to cross it, you just couldn't.  Not unless someone fixed it.  This bridge that was in my mind?  It was broken, completely.

               “Ah, I'm glad to see you're awake.  Thought you'd never wake up.”  The man told me.  His hair was greying and he wore tiny glasses.  They didn't do anything for him, they made his eyes look smaller than they were.  His nose looked larger with them on.  I noticed by the way that he was standing that his back was bent over slightly.  Recognising that as a bad posture surprised me.

               “What do you mean?”  I was confused.  Not that I hadn't been since I woke up.  Especially the first time.  After reminding myself of that, my back started to ache.

Fallen From Grace | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang