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It's been a few hours and right now you're just sitting in the monitoring room and waiting to get the visual for Misa Ama-Ama-forget it.

"Watari, has she said anything yet?" L asks clicking a button down on a microphone. "No. She hasn't spoken a word." Came the reply. "Get me a visual of her, will you?" "Are you sure?" Came the response. Why would we have to be sure? What's so extreme about her bindings that we had to be asked if we wanted to watch the suspect? Instead of saying anything you just sit back and watch L urging Watari to show the visual.

The visual pops onto the screen and everyone but L gasps in either shock or surprise, including you. "What did you do?" You whisper not expecting to get a reply; you don't. The only signs that the Misa girl is alive is her breathing. Her bindings wrapped around her entire body and the blindfold was bigger than you thought it would be. This scene scared you. "Ryuzaki! What's the meaning of this?" Came Souchiro the chief. "I've apprehended her on suspicion of being the second Kira," Came the younger mans reply "I'm afraid this is necessary."

"Chances are Amane is guilty. There seems to be enough evidence to convict it, but all the same..." Souchiro said trying to reason. "Yes. There can be no mistake.
Now we need a confession out of her." L responded ignoring the small protest, "We need to know how she kills, whether she knows Kira, and if so, who he really is." Clicking the microphone back on your companion speaks into it again saying, "Watari, take the necessary precautions but beyond that, you're free to do whatever has to be done, Ok? Just make her speak." Click! The mike is cut off. A 'Very well.' Was heard but that was about it for a few minutes.

"Oh, Mr. Yagami." Came L "Huh?" Looks like he caught the chief off guard.
"Light has now become a prime suspect," Said the slouching male again "And I'm probably gonna bring him in for interrogation as well. Please be prepared for that." He asked making it clear that there will be nothing to change his mind. You agree with L though; Light is the most likely suspect to even have something to do with Kira other than Amane so it's completely possible that he's Kira himself. The rest of the night was quiet and it stayed liked that for awhile.

That's until one night we were all finishing up some work and Wataris' voice was heard through a speaker saying that Misa Amane is saying something. "Get me her visual and audio," Responded the slouching man instantly.

The visual had the same looking Misa from a few days ago but when her voice came on you went rigid. "I can't take it anymore. Kill me." The men in the room gasped apart from L of course but she continued "Kill me. Please just kill me." "Why is she begging for her death?" You mumbled. "If there's one of death then shouldn't there be a Life Notebook? Kill me and then bring me back!" She whimpered. The room went dead silent trying to make sense of her previous words and then to figure out her next.

Click! "Misa Amane, can you hear me?" "I hear you. Please just kill me now." Came Misas' voice."Does this mean you would admit to being the second Kira? Is this the reason you wish to die?" He asks.
"No. I don't know anything about the second Kira. I really can't take this anymore. I'd rather be dead. Now hurry up and kill me! If you wanted to, you could kill me right now, couldn't you?" She pleaded. "Is...she even talking to us anymore?" You ask out loud and a few glancing were thrown your way but for the most part everyone kept glued to the screen.

The speakers emit something about her mumbling the words life and book. 'She's losing her mind.' You determine. Standing up you rush out of the room heading down to the basement ; the last thing you heard was L saying something about a tongue.

Running down the staircase you keep in mind that you can understand the situation better than anyone, possibly even L by seeing the girl up close. Silently walking into the room you see Watari and making eye contact you put your index finger up to your lip signaling for him to be quiet. "Hey Mr. Stalker?" Came her voice. She seems so innocent now what's with his sudden change of attitude? "Mr. Stalker come on this is illegal," She says "How about this," she starts to bargain "At least take off my blind fold. It'd be nice to know what you look like."

"Misa Amane," You pop out surprising yourself. "Huh? Mrs. Stalker, please let me go," She says. "Miss. Amane there is no stalker, you are here because you are suspected to be the Second Kira." You explain but your voice sounds cold, unemotional. "What if I give you my autograph, or shake your hand. I know! I can give you a kiss on the cheek, if you want. Oh, come on, I won't run away, I promise." She ranted. 'Didn't she hear me?' You wonder; this all is getting so confusing. "Misa Amane," You say again but this time your voice blends in with Ls' modified voice. Staying silent you just watch Misa's body language and the tone of her voice.

"Huh? What's that, Mr. Stalker? Are you planning to release me?" 'Is she pretending to ignore me?' You think your temper slightly rising. Ls' distorted voice came back on and says, "Before you passed out, you barely spoke and even asked me to kill you. And now you're claiming ignorance?" "Hm? I don't understand," Her ignorance doesn't seem fake "I mean you are the one who knocked me out and brought me here, remember? Wait. I get it. This is some kind of "Misa Amane interrogation fantasy", right?" 'Yep this girl is an idiot' You say to yourself.

" Do you know why I'm detaining you here? You must have some idea; I mean, my partner here just told you," Said the distorted voice.

"Wait that wasn't a joke!" She says sounding alarmed. "Amane, no one's buying this. So cut it out!" Came a new voice. "Oh, this is scary. What's going on? I can't stand it anymore. Please let me go. You have to let me go. Ah, I need to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom again, Ok?" Again, ranting.

" It's only been four minutes since you last went to the bathroom.
I'm afraid you have to hold it." Came back Ls' distortion not sounding sorry.
"Oh, you have to! It's the only time when you untied me and you let me move.
Plus you'll be able to watch. Is that what you want, isn't it? You pervert!" 'He's a pervert?' You wonder getting amused and holding in a small giggle.

"Do you know who Light Yagami is?" He says going back to the interrogation. "Of course I do, how could I not know my own boyfriend?" She replies. 'So they're dating?'

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