Chapter 4: Back to Reality

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I reach into my pocket and draw out the keys. "I wonder if she'll start," I say as I open the door and slip into the driver's seat. I turn the key in the ignition expecting nothing and wondering how a breakdown truck will be able to retrieve it. To my surprise it starts perfectly. "I really didn't expect that,"

"Hmm, it looks like your Gumdrop has been a mischievous girl!"

"I think you're right. Still, I won't tell her off too much."

"Good. Now, we'd better get going. I'll lead the way to the hotel and you follow, alright?" I agree and Ruth returns to her car. There is a distressingly long drive in reverse before the road broadens enough for us each to turn our car around.

I follow Ruth and Mr Bump and discover where I went wrong: at a junction on a bend I went straight on instead of following the road around as it curved right. Ruth's navigation is faultless, however, and fifteen minutes later we pull into the Hotel's car park where I draw up alongside her and get out.

I look across at the hotel: a bleak, dark grey stone building that is, as Mum had said, rather down at heel and shabby. It also exudes an air of brooding malice, almost malevolence, which reminds me somewhat of the shadow on Moor and makes me shiver.

"God, what an unpleasant place!" Ruth exclaims, echoing my thoughts.

"Perhaps it's nicer inside," I reply, trying to convince myself. The look on Ruth's face shows that she too thinks that the unpleasant aura has nothing to do with the state of repair of the place. I'm rather disconcerted that the word 'aura' found its way into my thoughts as if I'm some kind of New Age spiritualist. This is a cheap, backwater hotel but one that has TV, phones, hot running water and Wi-Fi I remind myself. I feel a slight pang as I turn to Ruth. "Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye. Thank you so much for all you've done," I tell her. "For taking me in and warming me, for bandages and 'Refugee Chic', for tea and porridge and goat milking and... well, just everything."

"Bethany... Beth," she ventures the diminutive and I don't mind, not from her, "you're very welcome: it was all my pleasure. I feel very happy to have met you."

"Me too oooph!" I have the breath squeezed out of me as she wraps me in a startlingly firm hug that, once I recover from the surprise, I return. "If you ever get your bed and breakfast going then..." She pulls back, an offended look on her face.

"Don't you dare!" she says. "I'm not having you say you might come back as a paying guest one day." She relaxes slightly. "You're down here for a while so there should be time to drop in to the farm again; you need to bring these clothes back at least."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean I didn't want to meet up again... I know, why don't you come over to the hotel here so I can treat you to dinner one evening? What about Monday or Tuesday? Or Sunday lunch tomorrow even." She looks at the Hotel warily but nods.

"Okay, let's say lunch tomorrow," she agrees. "Well, you probably want to get in and have a bath and get changed and log on and... whatever."

"Yes. I ought to contact Rick." I suddenly realize that some sixteen hours ago I was suddenly cut off mid-sentence; he'll be a little worried I should think. However, first I have to say goodbye to Ruth and there seems to be some awkwardness in doing this; perhaps it's the intense indebtedness I feel for her unstinting kindness and friendliness, not to mention probably saving my life. "I'll see you again tomorrow. I hope those builders of yours don't give you any hassles and get on with the work to your lovely house." It's such a feeble comment but I'm unsure what else to say.

"They're not coming over today but don't worry, I can keep them under control. I'm not such a hippy that I'm not looking forward to electricity and hot water! I'll see you tomorrow." She bends forward and kisses my cheek. "You be safe in there," she adds glancing at the Hotel.

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