"Do you trust me?"

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"Do you trust me?" she asked as she offered her hand.

"No" I simply stated, unimpressed with the whole thing.

"Smart man" she said as she lowered her arm.

Though as time ticked past, she just stood there waiting under the street lamp. The yellow light giving her brown hair a halo. The black of night only adding to her mysterious behaviour.

As she bit her lip nervously, looking down at the pavement; I gave in. "Okay, okay I'll come, " I sighed, " but if we get in trouble, it's your fault."

As soon as I had finished, she bounded her way up to me grinning devishly.

"It's gonna be worth your while, Rhys!" she exclaimed, " and we won't get in trouble, I promise!" she nodded enthusiastically.

She took my hand and dragged me off into the dark down the street. The lamps turning off one by one as we passed them. I looked at her wondering how that was happening, the street lights out of all things were being shut off. Looking back and forth from her to the lights as we walked, she was clicking something as we went passed each light.

"Hey, slow down. I don't even know your name."

"All you need to know is that we are going somewhere awesome," she giggled at her own joke, about what I didn't know.

"What's your name, you at least owe me that," I hastily said.

I nearly ran into her when she stopped, well I did run into her but it didn't seem to faze her. She looked at me expectantly, a mischevious glint in her eyes. We were standing in front of an old house. Where had I seen this before? The holey curtains draped over the windows seemed familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen it.

When I looked at her again she looked sad. Her hair was coming out of the braid along the side of her head. The only light was what the clouds allowed. When she finally spoke it was only just above a whisper, "I was twelve when the house burnt down. There was smoke everywhere. I couldn't get out the door and the screams were so loud. I still dream about them sometimes."

"Uhh... um, why are you telling me this?" It was the only question that came to mind. I could see it as if it was happening right there and at the same time it felt so distant, like a dream. But why was she telling me this? I had just met her at the party. All I wanted was a fun time, maybe I was still drunk. Maybe she slipped something into my drink.

"Don't worry, I thought you would have heard about it" she said wearily.

I looked back at the building waiting for it to burst into flame. It never did. I turned to face her, only to see that she was silently crying.

"I still don't know your name, doll" I softly whispered.

"I-It's... um, it's Ayra" she hiccuped.

I went to wipe Ayra's tears but my hand went straight through her. I stared at her. My hand ghosting through her face.

That's when I noticed that the halo like look was still there, that she wasn't shaking from the cold like I was. And I finally remembered.

A few years ago a house had burned down. It had brought down the family with it, the neighbours who lived next door had said they heard the screams as it burnt. But I never really cared, but Ayra, now I remember her face. She was in most of my classes, Ayra was a real nice and quiet girl.

In the corner of my eye I could see her. She wasn't beautiful anymore her skin looked like burnt charcoal and her hair wasn't its braid anymore, it was it clumps and singed in some parts. I turned my head to fully look at her to see that she looked normal again.

"You're that girl"

She looked at me as though she couldn't believe that those were the words that I had chosen.

"No, I'm not that girl" she said clearly irritated.

Rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly, "I-I-I didn't mean it like that" I said, trying not to look.

"Then what did you mean then, huh?"

"Nothing! I meant nothing by it, okay?" I replied hastily, looking everywhere but at her.

Then realisation hit. If the house had burned down with the residents then how was I talking to Ayra? I looked to see that our hands were twined together. There was a dull burning sensation coming from her hands, I just chalked it up to nerves.

Just when I was about to ask her the million dollar question, she kissed me. It was unnerving how good it felt. The way her lips moved against mine ws sinful. But just as quickly it had started, she broke it off.

I stared at her. Not knowing what to do with the fact that I had just kissed a dead girl.

"Rhys, you gotta wake up now"

"Huh? Whadda mean" I replied groggily, everything seemed to take more effort. Even lifting my arm seemed to be an effort.

It was faint, just a whisper. My name was being called over and over again. I looked at Ayra but her lips weren't moving. She didn't look like when she was at the party, no, she looked like she should be in the servere burns medical department.


Someone had opened the curtains in my room. The afternoon light was burning the inside of my eyes. I dully regeristed someone was shaking my arm.

"Rhys. Rhys, you need to get out of bed!"

"Why? Why do I need to get out of bed?" I sleepily said, rubbing at the sleep in my eyes.

"Because, it's passed one in the afternoon, dude!" she exclaimed.

"Huh?" I responded dumbfounded to my sister.

"You came home pissed and a burned hand," she hissed, "You were lucky I was the one who answered the door".


"You were out late again!" She exclaimed, "I had to cover for you, you know I don't like lying to them, especially when they ask with that....look" she gestures to her face. 

"Huh.... Wasn't there an incident with a burned house or something a few years ago?" I ask.

" Um.... what?" she asks confused where this came from, "Why are you wondering about the house fire for?"

"No reason just asking that's all" I state simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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