Epilogue : Mr. Husband

Start from the beginning

I go look for Braden and find him in the living room, leaning over Pepito, our parrot, while Lady, our cat, is snuggling around his legs.

''Hello, Pepito. Have you been a good boy today?'' Braden talks to him like he's talking to a child.

Pepito twirls around. ''Shit!'' he shrieks. ''You're shit!'' He twirls around two more times, excited that someone is giving him the attention.

Braden's eyes narrow at him and he stands up straight with his hands on his hips, staring down at the poor parrot.

His eyes suddenly fall on me from across the room and he cocks his head as if he's silently asking me a question.

I flush all the way to the roots of my hair. ''That might've, could've been my fault ...'' I trail off and go further into the room.

Pepito starts nodding his head up and down in rapid pace. ''Baby girl!'' he says.

I flush even more and Braden's eyebrows lift. I put my hands up. ''And that's your fault. You're calling me that in front of him.''

''Jerk!'' Pepito lets out.

I can barely stifle a laugh. I wished for a parrot for a long time and Braden bought me an Ara for my birthday. I fell in love with him instantly and I spent a lot of time teaching him to speak and teaching him how to be around people so he doesn't shy away from the touch and doesn't have to be in the cage all the time. Braden often got frustrated when Pepito shat on furniture all around the house or created a mess like spilling coffee and tea, breaking things ...

But I was patient with him, treating him like a baby. Because my wish for having a parrot finally got true and I couldn't be happier about that.

''I think he doesn't like me very much.'' Braden chuckles, not taking offence in it.

I roll my eyes. ''He does, he just likes repeating new words he learns.'' And when I thought him how to speak, that damn parrot started repeating every single thing someone said. It was driving me crazy sometimes when he let out some colorful words, like right now, because of the kids, but then me and Braden talked and we came to the realization that they're going to hear curse words sooner than we think, but we're still going to be careful to not to curse too much (not that we do).

''Not that I'd be surprised if he disliked me. All other men in your life do,'' he points out, the jealousy clear in his voice.

I give him a what the hell are you talking about look. ''I only ever hang out with Jared and Damien. Are you going to accuse them of liking me when they don't even notice any other human when Brooke and Lily are in the room?''

That's right. Lily and Jared are still together, more happy than ever with their three children and happily married. They got married a year after me and Braden did.

And Brooke finally found herself a man who cherishes her and worships her. She put a high wall for Damien to climb, though, and he had to persuade her ruthlessly until she finally caved in weeks later and finally gave him a chance.

Now, they're engaged and expecting their first child. I swear life couldn't be any more beautiful than that. Things turned out pretty great for us and I'm glad.

''Not them, no. But every man I'm doing business with and comes into contact with you seems to fall in love with you. And it either makes me want to rip his eyes out for even setting them on you or lock you in a room forever so no one could see you again.''

I snort. ''You can be pretty sure I would escape.'' Braden chuckles. ''Besides, let's not go pointing out how women pant after you, literally drooling.'' I pointedly look at the cat who's now sitting by Braden's legs, staring up at him in pure awe.

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