Together at last

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Angel said she was so happy for me an i hoped she was jealous. after all the time I thought felix was to good for me and now here he is all mine.

I couldn't be happier and in the back of my head i wondered what's the catch? "Magic comes with a price." as i always hear well so does life. In order to get one thing you either have to give up another or it has flaws.

From the outside felix was perfect he had no flaws. Oh if only that were true.

There was a park in between my house and his. It was closer to my house but i never heard Felix complain. we would meet up there and most of the times I would have to bring my brother.

After all the awkward moments I wouldn't trade a moment of it for all the money in the world.

When Felix kissed me on the cheek for the first time i felt my insides melt. my brother was there and he made noises in the background but I didn't hear him for me and Felix were on our own world that nobody could take us from.

Of course life comes with a price and all this happiness wouldn't last for long. But for the time that it did last I just wished i cherished it and I should've protected myself more. This was the only time i let my guard down and it will be for a while for my heart as never broken like this before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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