The first time

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"We should hangout sometime," Felix said.

My heart leapt into my throat like a frog in the air. Why? I feel like this is a trap.

"Frank he really said that what should i do/say????"

And Frank and i continued to debate about this the rest of the night.

"I feel like he's a player and you know you agree," frank stated.

"I know but I really like him. Just give me some time to think and you'll be the first person i come to."

And not long after Felix came to my house for the first time.

Frank was still skeptic but he knew he couldn't be proven wrong if he never gave him a chance.

For the first time in my life i felt complete. Like he was all i needed to keep going. Felix oh Felix why do i feel so hopeless yet so complete.

As the time faded by Felix came over many times and i started to feel like he was true. But my nerves got the better of me and not being face to face i asked him.

"Do you like me?"

We got to talking and we eventually started talking about dating. He said he wouldn't ask me out unless we were face to face.

I almost thought he was going to but then the day he came over I thought differently.

The startTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang