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"So we're hiding out because archangels from Heaven will descend and take us back and then publicly kill us, right?"

Nellie groans. "Yes, Ari, now go the fuck to sleep and ask questions in the morning."

"Okay," I say before laying down. We'd pulled out the large couch I sat on earlier and we've had to share it. I'm on the left edge, Griphon's in the middle, and Nellie's on the other side and is closest to the wall.

There's silence and I begin to hear someone's breathing evening out.

"So, like, are we just going to run away for the rest of our lives or do we fight or something?" I randomly asked.

I hear Nellie groan and Griphon kicks my leg.

"No you fucking idiot," Griphon complains. I kick his leg back.

"Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?"

There's a second of silence and then Griphon answers unsurely. "A picture of me...?"

"No. The definition of idiot; which you fucking are," I answer.

"I'm going to kill myself," he says before I hear him moving around, probably to face Nellie.

There's a long drag of silence before I speak again.

"Neither of you answered my question."

Griphon kicks me again, but it's not nearly as light as before and it causes me to wince.

"Ari, I swear to God, I will fucking kick you off of this sofa and I will personally drag you outside and lock you out, leaving you in the dark," Griphon says. He sounds angry.

That gets my attention. "You wouldn't," I say, feeling regret for telling him my fear of the dark. 

"You bet your ass I would," he responds. A hiss makes its way up my throat.

"I dare you. I fucking dare you."

There's silence before I hear Nellie giggling and then someone getting up.

"Oh my God," I say before trying to get up and run away. I feel a hand, probably Griphon's, grab my shirt collar from behind.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'll shut up!" I yell out of desperation. Nellie bursts out laughing and then I hear a thud followed by a small moan of pain in between laughs. She probably fell off of the couch. Griphon is dragging me before I hear a door crack open and feel a gust of fresh air.

"Griphon, no. No, no."

I'm scrambling at the ground now. It's cold and rough and definitely not recently paved. I beg for mercy and plead and then I hear him crack up. I can practically imagine his smirk splitting into a grin. He's roaring with laughter now and he's let go of my collar, probably doubling over.

"I hate you so much," I spit. Nellie's and Griphon's laughter are echoing off the walls and bouncing around, blending in with each other.

I mutter swears and curses under my breath while feeling my way back towards the makeshift bed. I flop down and feel Griphon climb in between Nellie and I, both of their laughter fading and calming down.

"Shut the fuck up and sleep or else I promise you I will throw you out for real," Griphon threatens again.

I turn over onto my back and stare into the darkness, letting myself sink into the silence.

There's a tug at my left leg before I feel a yank. I refuse to open my eyes and turn my face into a spare pillow I fell asleep on in attempt to ignore it. No luck.

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