Chapter 2

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After walking for abou thirty minutes we finally came to a stop in front of a worn down building that was said to be out destination. The building's shutters were barely  hanging onto where they were, and the bright red paint was faded down to a rusty red color. I walked to the door with Yukine following behind me closely then I knocked on the door , and after a few moments the door opened to show a scruffy middle aged man around his thirties. The guy had grey dull eyes, and brown hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed withen a few hundred days. The man studied me then he grunted, glancing at me then at Yukine then back to me.

"You here to deliver the package?" The man questioned with a annoyed husky voice, and I frowned slightly.

"Package? I thought you had said a letter when you hired me." I stated and the man snorted the. He answered in a aggravated voice.

"Letter, package same thing." He grunted then reached his arm out of my sight and pulled it back a few moments later with a small package

"Just deliver it and you will get your pay." The man cried as whispering came from behind the man. I nodded then leaned in and took the package as I took the chance to hear the voices.

"Smells... nice..." The voices chorused together causing me to glance behind the man to see a herd of phantoms  drifting towards Yukine and I.

"Thanks for doing business with us, we will come back when we have finished the job to receive our pay." I said then grabbed Yukines hand then turned and dragged Yukine away from the run down building, not noticing the evil smirk  spreading across the mans face as we left.


With no need to retrieve anything from Kofuku's home I teleported Yukine and I to New York. Since I had just wanted to get the job done and over with i glanced up slightly at the sky line and saw Stark Towers in the distance  then I gave a tired grin.

"Let's get going Yukine, this is going to be a quick and easy job." I said  with a sigh of relief then I started to lead Yukine into the death of the concrete jungle to Stark Towers with the package in one of my hands, and Yukine in my hand.


3rd person POV

As Yato led Yukine through the concrete jungle a woman watched the man and the boy appear out of thin air. How did they just appear? How did no one else seem to notice them? Where did they come from? Were they dangerous? The questions raced quickly through her head, giving her a small minor headache but she quickly shook off the headache then she shouted out in a voice to be heard.

"Director Fury! You may want to come see this! Hurry! It's urgent!"

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