"you cant be fucking serious! that bitch calls me a hoe nonstop but you want me to respect her. hell no!" she said.

"then just stay away from her today. you two dont have to speak a word to each other. all i know is i dont want no drama in my house" i said.

before anything else could be said i jogged upstairs.


"hey you guys ok up here? " i asked walking in the room. angel was feeding armani and micah was just watching.

"yeah just giving armani her lunch" angel said.

"of course the princess has to eat... anyway i wanted to say sorry about holly. shes just mad i invited you" i said.

"why did you invite me? "

" have you forgotten? ive always spent my birthdays with you" i said.  since the day i met angel ive always spent my birthday with her. except for the few times when we were broken up.

"oh yea thats right. but things are so different now. i thought that wouldn't matter to you anymore " she said.

"of course it  matters to me. your important to me angel. even when you make me crazy " i said playfully.

we both laugh as micah looks between us smiling. after a few more minutes of feeding and burping armani we head downstairs.

i carry armani in my arms while angel carries micah.


"awww shes so cute " grace says holding armani.

from the corner of my eye i see holly roll her eyes." thank you grace" angel says.

"her and micah sleep just alike its crazy" i said.

even though i wasnt sure if armani was mines i really didnt care at this point. if me and angel decided to get back together i would treat her as my own.

armani babbles and claps her hands excitedly. i smile and reach for her, she anxiously reaches for me as well.

"i think shes taken a liking to you king" tracey said.

"i know " i say happily.

as everyone continues to dote on armani i hear a slam. all eyes turn to holly." this is bullshit! how can all of you sit here and pretend like this is normal. that baby is clearly odell's but your blinded by the love you have for this girl. the same girl who broke your heart repeatedly and was even gonna marry another guy. but you hold her on this pedestal like shes so great when shes really not. shes a low down dirty hoe" holly said.

it got quiet after that. before i could protest i heard sniffling. i turned around to see tears running down angel's face.

she quickly stood up and stormed out the room.

i turn my anger to holly." what the hell is wrong with you! you had no reason to embarrass her like that. if theres one thing i hate its a jealous bitch, get out my house and dont come back. me and you are done" i said.

"you cant be serious?!" she said.

"im dead serious!" i yell. not waiting for a response i head out the room.

to my surprise i find angel upstairs packing everything up." what are you doing?" i ask softly.

she looks at me with red eyes. " im leaving. can you hand me my daughter and go get micah" she said.

" angel please dont go. i put holly in her place, she had no right to say those things about you" i said.

" but its true. i am a dirty hoe, i slept with two guys and dont know my childs father. im such a bad mom" she said sadly.

i shake my head and place armani in the crib before giving her my full attention.

"your not a hoe you made a mistake. and i dont care if armani isnt mines i still care for her like she is. dont let holly's words get you down, shes just jealous because i love you so much" i admit.

angel looks away as her face turns red. i smile and grab her chin forcing her to look at me.

"angel weve been through so much together. but even after all this my love remains strong for you and i dont
think that will ever change" i said.

"king what are you saying?" she said nervously.

"im saying i want us together. i know ive said this a million times and each time its failed but your the only woman i can see myself spending the rest of my life with " i said.

"i dont know king,  life always finds a way to tear us apart" she said.

"then we take things slow. get back to how we use to be. i havent been romantic with you in a long time, maybe thats where i need to start. lets go on a romantic date" i suggest.

angels face lights up." really? i cant remember the last time we went on a date. i think that would be fun. i also think we should do more stuff with the kids. micah's been around too much drama for his age, i want him to have fun" she says.

"i agree. how about we take the kids to the zoo tomorrow and sunday we go on our date. i can have my dad watch the kids" i tell her.

angel smiles." sounds like a plan " she says.

i dont know what the future holds for me and angel, all i know is i want her by my side.

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