Don's Stop Believing

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Skydive has never been a confident fighter. Of course he would fight, but he didn't think he was a very good one. Or believed that he was a very good flier. No bot has ever tried to tell him otherwise. Well, the only exceptions to that we're the other Aerialbots. Mostly Fireflight and Air Raid. Every one in a while, Slingshot would add on to it. Silverbolt... Silverbolt never did for some reason, which was odd for the Aerial commander. Normally he would agree if somebot were trying to disprove something about themself. Why wasn't he doing that now? Maybe what the black and red mech believed was true and the other three were just trying to cheer him up...
Both Silverbolt and Skydive were patrolling the skies to make sure the Decepticons weren't doing something stupid. So far, there was no Decepticon activity. "Listen, Skydive, I know what it's like to lack confidence in something," Silverbolt said out of nowhere. "What do you mean Silverbolt?" Skydive asked. "I know you're not confident in your fighting and flying skills," Silverbolt told. "Even if you don't say it out loud, I can tell when we form Superion." There was a huff from the smaller jet. "Nothing escapes you, does it?" "Nu-uh," Silverbolt said. "I'm also aware of you putting yourself down over it. Mind telling me why you feel this way? If not, I understand." "No, no, it's fine," Skydive countered. "I'm ready to talk about it." With that, Skydive launched into story time, the Aerial commander not saying a word during it.
"I'm not going to judge you based on why you feel this way," Silverbolt informed when Skydive finished. "But I will say that you are, in fact, our best flier and a great warrior, despite what you believe. You shouldn't put yourself down over it. It's something you should be proud of. I know I am." Even though he couldn't see it, Silverbolt could tell that Skydive was smiling. "You are?" Skydive asked. "Yeah, I am," Silverbolt said with a smile.

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