Chapter 2-Reunion

Start from the beginning

"You two do realize that you're teammates, right?" the nice-looking human teases. All three of the boys look closely at Kageyama and Hinata, and realize why they seem familiar.

"I didn't expect the King of the Court to be here," the hybrid comments. Kageyama flinches slightly at the name, which goes unnoticed by everyone but the gray haired human. The human ponders about the reaction for a brief second before filing it away for later examination.

"And you're that player with the awesome jump from last year!" the shaved hair human exclaims, a goofy grin replacing his glare. He walks over and pats Hinata on the back forcefully. "Man, you haven't grown at all, have you? But you sure are amazing!"

"Tanaka, you don't have to be so loud," the gray haired boy jokingly scolds. "You might scare him." But rather than being scared, Hinata was grinning widely from the compliment. He decides that he likes this human as well. Hardly anyone ever compliments him, even his parents.

"To bad he sucks too much to put any of it to good use," Kageyama tacks on. Hinata whips around to face him, murder written in his eyes. This guy has done nothing but insult Hinata since he's entered the room, and he's had enough of it. He going to get plenty of that at school, but he's not just going to lay down and take it during club, too. At the very least, he wants to enjoy being in the volleyball club. He needs something to get him through school life.

"Do you have a problem with me!?" Hinata shouts, ready for round two.

"I do!" Kageyama growls back. "You have all of this raw capability but you've done nothing with it! You're just throwing it in the trash, like an idiot!"


"Guys, guys, calm down," the hybrid instructed gently, with a hint of steel in his tone. The other two slowly step back, afraid of what this is heading for. The captain doesn't get angry often, but when he does... It's not a pleasant experience to go through, to say the very least. The first-years unwisely ignore his warning, continuing to bicker.

"Is there a problem, Sawamura?" the Vice Principal asks, strolling into the gymnasium. He has a bad habit of lurking around the clubs, eager to lecture students at any opportunity.

"Oh, no, sir," the hybrid, Sawamura, replies nervously. He doesn't want to be forced to listen to one of the vice principal infamous speeches. He's already been subject to it numerous times, and would greatly appreciate it if he could get through his last year without being caught again. "There's no problem at all."

"You two," he shouts at the first-years, "stop fighting in front of the vice principal."

"Have a match with me," Hinata demands, ignoring the captain. "I'll show you how much I've changed."

"Hah, how are we supposed to have a match when it's just the two of us?" Kageyama asks, irritation evident in both his voice and face. Just looking at that obnoxiously bright hair sets him off. He doesn't see how he's going to be able to play with a shitty teammate like that little crow. Although, with his skills he might not play in any of the game, Kageyama thinks. Hinata frowns and scratches his head, trying to figure out a solution. He snaps his fingers and grins excitedly.

"Serve," Hinata proposes. "I'll return all of your serves. That will prove to you that I've changed." Kageyama smirks at the challenge.

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