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Cora's P.O.V

The next morning, I was getting ready to leave for Bilbo's house. I then went to find Thorin, who was in his room.

I knocked on his room doors, and he answered.

"You do realize that ypu don't have to knock,  especially now, right?"

"Oh well," I replied, opening the door and walking in to see him shirtless again.

"Soooo, when are you leaving?"

"In a few hours. I thought I'd come ask you if anyone noticed our engagement."

"No, not around me, why?"

"Balin knows. You know how he has that habbit of kissing my left hand instead of my right? Yeah, he knows, but didn't say anything."

"Typical Balin."


I was sitting on his bed facing him,  and I laid back to think.

"What's up, Cora?"

"I'm trying to kmage Bilbo's reaction to the engagement,  because he is too observant to miss the great whacking ring you gave me."

"Well, I don't know what his expression would be, but he would probably say something like finally!"

He kissed me,  more passionately than before,  if possible, and actually lowered his body weight down on me for once.

He had his hand on my back, under my shirt. It seemed like he was trying to take it off.

"Thorin,  we aren't married yet." I said, placing a hand on his chest, pushing him away, and standing up.

I left the room to find Missy, and she was in the kitchen. She didn't know about the engagement either.

"You're leaving to see Bilbo soon, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes, and I won't be back for a month." I smiled at the thought of seeing my friend.

"Are you sure Thorin can stand that long of being away from you?" she teased.

"Of course I can, or I'd go with her." said Thorin, who I didn't realize had walked in behind me. He hugged me from behind, trapping my arms.

He kissed the top of my forehead as Missy left the room.

"By the way, love, I need you to take this letter to Bilbo." Thorin told me.

"What does it say?"

"It's asking him to be my best man."

"Ok,  so after he notices?"

"Yes, and you still have to pick bridesmaids and the maid of honor. "

"I know."

"What are your color choices, because the wedding will be two weeks after you get back."

"Bright green and hunters orange."


"Ko."(inside joke again)


"Yeah, some people  back in my world would say ok too much, and it would get on my nerves. I started saying ko to annoy them."

"What does it mean?"

"Knock Out."


"I know, right?"

"Definitely fits your personality."

The Dynamic Duo of Three Enters The Hobbit(Thorin fanfic) Focus on CoraWhere stories live. Discover now