14(I ran out of names so now its numbers)

233 16 2

Cora's P.O.V

When I woke up, I had a searing pain in my side, and I realized that my side, arm, and leg were bandaged. Of course they were, Thorin wouldn't let me bleed to death.

I couldn't remember anything but brief flashes from the time after I was attacked. Thorin and Kili saying I was poisoned, Thorin talking to someone I don't know because I didn't recognize the voice, probably Dain, then I heard Legolas, and finally, the most recent, I had heard Thorin telling me to get better. He had called me 'love' again.

I went to shift positions, and realized someone was beside me.

Thorin, I thought. Of course he wouldn't leave my side if there was a chance that I would die.

I realized that it was around 1 in the morning, so I turned to face Thorin to see if he was awake, but he wasn't.  He looked as if he was taking a well deserved rest, so instead of waking him, I laid my head on his bare chest and went back to sleep, hoping he'll be ok after this, because he didn't look too good.

When I woke up the second time, Thorin was still asleep, but I woke him up.

"You're awake!" he exclaimed, grinning at me.

"I also woke up at one, but you looked really tired, so I let you sleep and went back to sleep." I replied

We got up and went to the kitchen.

After we ate breakfast, we went to find the others to let them know I was better. Still limping, but better.

When Missy saw me, she hugged me, causing pain to shoot through my side. 

No one else gave me a hug after seeing how much pain it caused me.

I walked around the town with Thorin, and everyone was glad to see me up, and both Thorin and I smiling for once.

We went and sat by the river. I laid on my back, watching the clouds. He was watching me again, but I didn't care.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Looking at the clouds." I said, a little childishly.

He leaned over to where he could see my face.

"Having fun?" he asked.

I shrugged as he leaned down to kiss me. Like last time, it was more passionate.

What was new though, was the fact that I kissed him back, surprising even myself.

Later that day, I was talking to Thorin in my room.

"Do I still get that month of time off?" I asked him.

"Of course," he replied. Almost causally, he added, "Will you marry me?"

"Yes! By the way, I'm going to visit Bilbo." I said.

"I'm fine with that. Don't tell anyone about the engagement, I want to see if they notice."

We stood to leave, and I stood beside the door, waiting for him to leave first, but instead, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me like he did before, and I responded just as enthusiastically.

The Dynamic Duo of Three Enters The Hobbit(Thorin fanfic) Focus on CoraWhere stories live. Discover now