Chapter 7(21) Rebellion of Arcadia(unedited)

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, that is very helpful Captain!" She smiled brightly before she turned away to find something to do.

"One more thing Lieutenant, if you have a choice, make sure you and everyone you can save make it out of this war alive." She nodded and continued on her way. I know this won't end well but we must try, we always must try.

Time crept by, some moments seemed longer than others. I made it a priority to finish my task and go help Collin and Zane, not only so I could relax but so I could check on how well they were handling without Daniel. It had to be rough because I was in pain not being at Rehana's side. Somehow the three of us being together made the universe feel a little less lonely.

"All personnel, prepare yourselves sandstorm contact in two minutes! Also Captain Jax to the center all defense command! Commander Jones is on her way back, one minute outward." I jumped up from where I was sitting and ran to the makeshift command center, I knew Collin and Zane were behind me, it was instinct for them to follow me around when the battle was about to start. I don't remember why it started, I just remember how lonely things got during Collin's large depression spike, Zane didn't talk much while Collin was out of the battle, always things that were necessary, nothing like the Zane I grew up with.

He was not as confident, scared like he used to get during thunderstorms when we were kids, I miss those days now. I could focus on making new ways to draw his attention from the storms, I remember one night he stayed the night, the storm only continued to get worse and even as we tried to sleep I could hear his whimpers. Since we were both sleeping on the floor I dragged my pallet closer to him and wrapped my arms around him effectively enclosing him in a hug, eventually he calmed down and soon enough we both fell asleep. Things were so much simpler back then.

Shiro walked into the command Center removing her sand proof mask so she could speak, "We need anti-armor firing into the sandstorm!" The weapons officer that was assigned to defend the base with the original weapons was moved to the side by Collin as he activated the weapons, she shot me a questioning look rather quickly.

I grinned sheepishly, "Collin and Shiro are fine, I trust them with my life, besides Shiro has a reason if she is ordering something without getting my permission first. There is a re..."Collin stood up before speaking, "Captain, several explosions are registering in the sandstorm!"I did not hesitate to act, "Alert status all hands prepare for combat!" Zane spoke next, I was not looking at him but I knew he was beside me with his arms crossed looking at the tactical view Collin put up when he shouted his warning."Ready to see if we can hold out till the storm is over?"It was not often that Shiro said exactly what I said when I said it but this time, it concerned me, "we better be able too."


Only moments remained until the storm ended. Shiro made releasing her findings on the Racalnas a priority when we started waiting out the storm, one such finding was the location and a weakness for a super weapon that had been used against Aden and was used unsuccessfully against Earth, Saltaner, and in other battles during the war. She had also obtained charts so we could effectively attack a number of targets in Racosan space with significantly lower risk. If we wanted to end the war, Shiro's work infiltrating and sabotaging the downed Racosan ship would help do just that. I will ensure that is what happens, we can not hold the defensive an win, eventually, we would fall unless we attacked a target to drive them back.

I hit the city communication link and spoke calmly, "attention anyone who can here me. The sandstorm will end in a minute and we will be able to fight more effectively but that also means the Racalnas will have an easier time hitting us as well. Be prepared to fight, I know it's tough but have a little faith, I am recommending a full-scale assault after this battle. If I do not survive today some one must carry that flag and I know all of you are perfectly capable officers and one of you at least will wear the flag that states we are strong!" Moments later the base shook violently, the officers that were standing fought for balance ending in almost half of them laying on the floor.

I somehow kept my balance as did Collin who caught and stabilized Zane, "minimal damage from that hit, I am activating all defenses so that shouldn't happen as often!" Reported an officer who seemed content to keep the fight outside the base.

"Prepare for if they breach the walls, the Racalnas are resourceful, if there is a way for them to do it they will. No one leaves the base and if we can avoid it no one will get into this base!" I stood by the console with the tactical display observing it as more projectiles breached our defensive fire, it was just too constant for the defenses to hold up against. Another burst threw me to the floor, which was soon followed by another and I knew they were both close.

"The structural integrity of this sections outer armor is failing, we need to move to another location!" I head someone shout as I stood up to take control.

"Collin, get me a detonation charge! Everyone else evacuate the area!" My plan was simple, blow out the wall, surprise and kill some of them in the process.

A hand landed on my shoulder so I looked to my right to see Zane smirking, "you know I am helping you right."

He doesn't listen and I am fine with that, "Figured!"

"Where do you want the explosive?" Collin asked after placing his rifle behind a pillar.

"You're staying too?" Collin nodded, "Alright, place it against the wall that is the most likely to collapse." With that I started moving creates to make a defensive line that should suit my purpose.

Collin set the charge and walked over to his pillar, "So what are we calling this operation?"

I laughed, Collin was good at relieving everyone's tension but his own, "Battle of Jericho, even more, meaningful than it was when we were briefed!"


Zane smiled, "level with me love, did you even take early earth history?"

Collin's expression became slightly agitated, "I did."

I took over the explaining because I could see Zane had unintentionally hit a nerve, "though we are not sure what exactly happened during the battle of Jericho on earth, we know that for some reason the walls fell."

Collin visibly relaxed, "I might have slept through that lecture but I get where you are taking this. You are going to recreate your own version of history."

I removed my sword from its sheathe that was on my back, "that is accurate! Zane, I need you farther back so you can give cover fire!"

Zane patted Collin's back on his way to an area I pointed out, "I will have to reward you!"

"And if I want something else?" Collin asked with a chipper smile letting both of us know exactly what he wanted.

"I guess I can give you both! Assuming I am wrong." We all got into position with me hiding behind creates as I counted down till detonation.

Argos spoke through the base communications panel near Collin's position, "several life signs detected gathering on the outer wall of the command section!"

I counted slowly, preparing to press down on the explosives remote detonator button. I waited, hoping to catch the first few glimpses of cracks forming on the interior wall. It was only a time. As soon as the first crack could be seen clearly I pressed the button knowing that once the wall was gone we could not get it back.

The charge detonated, there was no way back, we could only hold the line.

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