burried part 2

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Burried part 2

It was all misty after wards, but as I got my face out of the mud it all became clear. She was standing just infront of me. Long wavy hair. I'm not sure on the colour. She was covered in mud. She look about my age. But hey, how can I be sure? I tried to get up put she slammed her foot agaist my back.

"What do you want?" I called through gulps of fresh air. I lifted my head and she'd done the same.

"I was burried down there. For 112 years. I have finally awoken. I need someone to help me, I need to find my fiance. What year is it?" She didn't have a british accent it was an old old british accent, something I have never witnessed before.

"Its the year 2013. What year were you burried, may I ask?" I had to swipe it in quickly. She was giving me weird glances.

"I was born in 1885 and burried along in 1901. They told me I was a demond, a monster. I didn't know what was happening to me. I just keep feeling the urge to kill and drink the dry. I had strengh. And I never change, or grew from 16."

Impossible, she can't be. She just described how I feel. But I would never really hurt anyone. Its all anger. I couldn't. I looked up again, to see a glisten in her eye. Maybe she didn't want this maybe she wanted a normal childhood. But wow, married at 16 that's got something. She must of loved him.

"Do you want some help, I don't know how to get out but maybe you could drink an animal dry, instead of a person. Just quick question but what are you?"

"Yeah, that would be nice, I'm Annabella. And I am a vanpire".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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