"Wow."I muttered.

"I'll go check on him."Tyson said getting back out.

"No forget it."I laughed picking my clothes back up.

"Kyah?"Ari asked.

"I'll text you later Ari once I get my new phone."I replied. I walked back next door and dropped my phone on the counter once I was back inside.

"Kyah what happened?"I heard their mom ask from behind me.

"Hunter happened."I said with a shrug.

"I swear that boy doesnt think half the time, he texted me freaking out. And you threatened to kick him?"she asked.

"He ruined my phone."I said pointing to it. I went upstairs and changed clothes. I slipped on my favorite worn out converse and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I got back downstairs and Hunter was there talking to his mom.

"He's taking you and paying for a new phone."she told me. I sighed and he bit his lip.

"Ari yelled at me and Tyson told me how stupid I was. Kyah Im sorry."he said softly. I shook my head and followed him outside.

"Im sorry I threatened to hurt you Hunter."I replied. We got in his car and Ari came around front with Tyson.

"We want to come."she said watching his face.

"I dont care."he muttered. They got in the back and he clenched his jaw.

"Dude chill."Tyson groaned.

"You two have something but I'll be damned if anytime I try to do something or be alone with her you have to be right there. I give up."Hunter mumbled. He drove to the phone store and just looked at me.

"Hunter stop."I said softly. He got out and looked back at the car.

"Kyah."Ari said.

"You and Tyson didnt have to tag along especially after yelling at him and telling him he was stupid."I muttered. I got out and he closed his eyes trying to calm himself back down. We went inside and a perky sales girl came up flirting with him. He smiled and showed off his dimples. I rolled my eyes and he looked over at me.

"We need to get her a new phone. I kind of ruined her other one when I threw her in the pool."he said smirking at the girl.

"I could of just came by myself."I groaned.

"Clearly cause you obviously dont appreciate him."the girl spoke up. I looked back at Hunter and he bit his lip.

"No she just doesnt see how much my step-brother likes her."Ari spoke up from behind us. Tyson wrapped his arm around her and put his hand over her mouth.

"Hunter?"I asked softly.

"Ari drop it."he said. I dropped my head and he looked over at me.

"I'll walk home after I pay for my own phone, Im tired of this."I muttered. I walked up to a different person and they helped me with what I wanted. I turned around and they were gone. I got my new phone and everything switched over before walking back outside.

"He took Ari home, I offered to walk with you."Tyson said when my eyes landed on him.

"You dont have to Tyson, I dont want to hear anything about him right now, I seriously dont."I muttered. He sighed and shook his head. We started walking back towards the neighborhood and Ari spotted us coming up the street.

"He does like you Kyah, he's just afraid you'll reject him."Tyson told me as we got closer. I bit my lip and noticed his car was gone.

"Left to go hook up with that one girl again."Ari muttered.

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