Jae and Jace

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Times like this when I truly loved being an only child. We lived in a 2 story house and my parents had built it to where I had practically the whole second floor to myself. I walked across the hallway to my extra bedroom and flipped on the tv screen. I had it hooked up to my laptop and decided I wanted to reorganize it while music played in the background. I also had another room down the hallway that had been converted into a plus size closet for all the clothes I had plus my shoes. Across from that was a room set up like a gym for me with my own workout equipment and the room next to that was turned into a mini theater for when I had friends come stay the night. My own bedroom was the actually 2 rooms connected but my dad had left out the seperating wall for me. The room I was currently in was used for my video editing and crafts or projects whenever I was bored. I started rearranging everything and my mom brought me up a big bottle of iced tea. I smiled and looked at my handy work.

"We're getting new neighbors right now love, she has a boy who looks like hes around your age, a girl who may be the same and 2 younger girls."she said getting my attention.

"Have they been invited to lunch?"I asked biting my lip. She nodded and I heard my dad come up the stairs.

"You want to get ready and come help get everything ready?"he asked stepping in the room. I hugged him and put the tea in my mini fridge back in my room.

"Yeah I'll be down in 20 minutes."I replied with a smile. They headed downstairs and I walked down the hall to my plus size closet. Thank god I had showered when I woke up like I normally did. I pushed a button on the wall and the perfect outfit lined up in front of me. It was a pale yellow sundress with a light wash half jean jacket. I slipped it on and found my pale yellow Converse. I slipped them on with no show socks and headed down towards the kitchen.

"That the outfit we just picked out yesterday?"my mom asked. I nodded and she smiled. My dad brought in the meat from the grill out back and I looked over at the stove.

"I love when we have a cook out."I laughed. My mom handed me the salad bowl and I shook it a few times before placing it on the table.

"Will you set out the lemonade and tea pitchers?"she asked. I put them on the table and the doorbell rang. My mom went towards the living room and I looked at my dad with big eyes.

"You can go if you want."he laughed. We both heard my mom talking and being introduced to the 4 kids she had mentioned to me. I took the plates from my dad and put them around the table along with glasses and silverware as my mom brought them in the kitchen.

"This is my husband Tom and our daughter Jaelyn but she likes to be called Jae, only child we have."she said introducing us. I smiled and my dad gave them a wave.

"Jaelyn this is Lexi, Maria, Izzie and Jace."she added introducing them.

He's hot."I blurted out before clamping my hand over my mouth. I watched him blush and his sister Izzie start laughing.

"Jae tends to speak her mind."my dad laughed. I bit my lip and sat in my normal spot. My dad waited til everyone was seated and I looked over at Jace. He smiled at me and I felt myself blush slightly. We all ate and Izzie kept looking at me.

"What?"I asked softly.

"You're really pretty Jaelyn."Maria spoke up. I smiled and saw Jace biting his lip.

"Thank you Maria."I told her.

"Can we go back home now?"Lexi asked looking at their mom.

"Jaelyn has a theather upstairs."my mom said getting all of the attention. They looked at me and smiled, all 4 of them. We got up from the table and they followed me upstairs. We walked to the end of the hallway and I opened the door. I heard gasps from the 4 of them and sighed. I had 6 huge recliners lined up 3 by 3 on the wall on the right, the entire wall on the left was covered in a movie screen, I had a popcorn maker, mini fridge stocked with sodas that had a glass door and a counter stacked full of different movie candy.

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