"If you girls need anything for our grandbabies, dont hesitate to call and we mean that. We'd love for you girls to come out this summer and visit."Chloe said looking over at Michele.

"I have no doubt that Austin and Alex will not let a day go by without talking to you girls."Michele added. We hugged them and the guys walked us down to the elevator. I looked down at Natalie and saw she was back asleep. Lacie looked at Nate and he was trying his hardest to suck his fist. I laughed and Alex just shook his head.

"You guys going back home?"Lacie asked.

"Think we leave in the morning."Austin said checking his phone.

"We need to get the babies home, we'd love to stay."I said softly. He looked at me and down at Natalie.


I pulled up at Lacie's house and heard Natalie making noises to satisfy herself in the backseat. I smiled and honked. Lacie came out smiling and carrying Nate with her. I popped the trunk for her bags and she buckled his seat in after popping it onto the base.

"Alex has been texting me all morning."she laughed getting in the passenger seat. I picked up my phone and shook it at her.

"Austin facetimed me and Natalie this morning when we woke up."I said smirking. She stuck out her tongue and we heard Nate trying to get Natalie's attention. I put some music on kind of low to satisfy them and headed for the highway.

"Boo its a 3 hour drive, I can sit back there with them if you want so I can make bottles if its needed."she said looking at me.

"I just fed Natalie before we left the house."I replied.

"Same with Nate."she said with a nod. We got to the interstate after stopping for gas and I left her in charge of both of our phones while I drove.

"Didnt we book that double suite?"I asked looking over at her quickly.

"Yeah but then Michele and Chloe cancelled it saying their grandbabies and daughter in laws werent spending the entire summer in a hotel."she said biting her lip. I blushed and my mouth dropped open.

"We're not with Austin and Alex though. Austin told me last night he's kind of seeing some girl right now."I said softly.

"Wont be once we get there Mia, you are the mother of his little girl."she said looking right over at me. I laughed and shook my head.

"I dont want to cause drama Lacie, you can be with Alex if that's what you want but I told Austin I wouldnt do that to him. I just want him to be able to be apart of Natalie's life."I told her. She rolled her eyes and texted Austin from her phone. We sung along with the radio and before I knew it were pulling onto to off ramp. I bit my lip and Natalie started fussing.

"Lets stop so we can change diapers Mia."Lacie said. I found a close station and pulled into the parking lot. We changed their diapers and put them back in their seats. I got in the driver seat and Austin called my phone. I answered and looked over at Lacie.

"So I just saw you and Lacie. Im out with that girl I told you about but if you want you can follow us to the house so you dont get lost."he said softly.

"Thanks Austin."I said before hanging up. A car pulled up beside us and he stuck his tongue out at me before getting out. He walked over and pulled me out to hug me.

"I should of been with you."he muttered.

"Babe come on."the girl called from the car. He rolled his eyes and pulled away. We got in our cars and I followed him across town to a really nice neighborhood. He parked by the curb and pointed to the driveway. I pulled in and he got out coming up to the car.

"Alex and his mom live next door but I think they're both out right this second."he said pointing to a house right next to his. Lacie smiled and shook her phone at him. We got out and grabbed the babyseats. He grabbed both diaperbags and the girl honked the horn.

"Seriously?"I asked looking over at her. He rolled his eyes again and looked down at Natalie. We followed him inside and his mom came out of the kitchen. She hugged me and looked at Austin.

"You should be staying home instead out with that."she said pointing outside. He bit his lip and looked at me.

"I'll go tell her to walk home then, she lives a few blocks over."he said softly. I put Natalie's seat down and looked at Lacie.

"Im going to go get our bags."I spoke up. Austin followed me out and walked to his car. I popped open my trunk and started to get our stuff out.

"Are you kidding me Austin."the girl yelled. I turned around and he was holding his cheek.

"You did not just slap him."I laughed walking over. He looked at me and looked hurt.

"No one asked you to interrupt slut, Im not the one who let Austin knock me up."she snarled. I shook my head and clenched my fist.

"Mia no, this town skank isnt even worth it."Austin muttered.

"I suggest you leave."Michele said coming outside. I looked at Austin and he dropped his hand.

"Austin?"I asked. He shrugged and followed me back to my car. I grabbed my stuff and followed him back inside the house. Michele pulled his car in behind mine and Lacie looked at us.

"What happened?"she asked as his mom came in.

"Nothing."Austin muttered. I picked Natalie up and Michele made him sit down.

"Hold your babygirl and calm down Austin."she spoke up. He sat on the couch and I put Natalie in his arms. I followed Lacie and we made both the babies a bottle. Austin fed Natalie and Michele took me down the hallway.

"Thanks for letting us come stay."I told her. She hugged me and opened the door to their guestroom. I looked and smiled seeing as they had put a basinett next to the bed for Natalie.

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