"What did I tell you?" Peeta whispers in my ear and I can't help but grin. 

Willow is the last to leave the school with her large group of friends. Willow has always been the most sociable out of the three of them so there's no surprise that she has the largest friendship group. 

The five of us take our usual walk to the meadow, Peeta and I keeping a close eye on Rye especially, due to his tendency to run off.

We finally reach our designated picnic spot at the farther end of the meadow, surrounded by willow trees. We unpack the picnic basket and eat the feast Peeta has been preparing all day. 

When we finish eating, Peeta and I watch the triplets play catch in the long grass. 

"Who would've thought we'd make it this far, huh?" I say, thinking aloud.

Peeta huffs. "Tell me about it. I certainly didn't." 

"How do we tell them about that world, Peeta?" I ask, suddenly afraid of the answer.

"We tell them what the need to know when the questions start. Little at a time and when they're old enough we'll explain fully." Peeta says, holding my hand.

"What if they hate us for it?" I ask. It's a stupid question of course, but I'm hoping the answer will be reassuring.

"They'll never hate us, Katniss. You know that. When we do tell them, it'll make them braver and they will admire us for it. We don't have to do it alone either. We have Haymitch, Effie, your mother and Annie. And the book. We'll tell them about everyone we lost when the time is right. Just take it one step at a time, everything will be okay." 

Peeta's answer definitely reassured me. We lost so many but we still have so many people to help us along the way. 

When the triplets eventually tire and collapse in our laps, I know it'll be okay. However, what happens next has to be what reassures me the most.

Aster, who is laying in Peeta's lap, sits up and turns to him. "Daddy, I saw a very pretty girl in school today." 

"Really? What's she like?" Peeta replies.

"She's very pretty. She has brown hair in two braids" Aster says and then leans close to Peeta and whispers "I think I have a crush on her but I don't ever think she'll notice me." 

The irony of the conversation is humorous, but for Aster's sake, I hope he doesn't see the irony for a very long time.

Peeta smiles and looks up to me, the smile growing as he sees me smiling.

"Never lose hope, Aster. You'll get her in the end." 

I smile and look over my three children and husband as I open my mouth and start to sing.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes

And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm

Here the daisies gaurd you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true

Here is the place where I love you.

And that's it! In all honestly, I don't know why I'm blabbering on as I am 99% sure most of my readers removed this book from their libraries months ago after it looked like I would never update again, but I guess I'm just too sentimental for my own good. In any case, I feel like I need to write this to say goodbye to this book and Wattpad. I discovered Wattpad in 2014 and I had no interest in writing at all. Wattpad has given me an amazing platform to begin my writing on and I am so thankful that this site has helped me find my love for writing! This story has been ongoing for 2, almost 3 years and has been a large part of my growing up. I am now 16 and I am pretty sure I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't start writing. When I published the first chapter to this story I had next to no followings and I barely existed on Wattpad. However, 54 chapters, 2 years and 7 months later I have 7K votes and 245K reads. 245K!! This really came out of nowhere and I am forever grateful for the confidence, support and love my readers have given me. Thank you to hichloeex for your support and advice on this story, love you lots! And thank you to catchingeverlark_ for finding me on here and becoming one of my closest friends! This is a huge part of my life I'm saying goodbye to, but it's time to move on to bigger and better things! I wish all of my readers the best of luck and happiness in the future. Thank you so much for the votes and kind comments over the years, I can't tell you how much it means to me. I love you all, thank you so much.

- Megan x

- Twitter -  _hutcherwife

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