Chapter Twelve

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hey guys, sorry it's been a while! Peter Pan just got over and now I have so much free time! Won't last long, though...Spring play starts in a couple weeks. Thanks for bearing with me, guys!

-magretta girl-


Chapter Twelve

"All rise, all rise. Court is now in session. Judge E.A. Monahan presiding." The bailiff announced.

"Are any of you represented by counsel?" Monahan asked.  All the newsies arrested the previous night  were before the bench.  There were a lot of us. Spot, Mush, Blink, Race, and I were all in the front.  We had no idea what Monahan was talking about when he asked us if we had counsel, so we justlooked at eacother and shrugged. "No. Good, good. That'll move things along considerably."

"Your Honor, I object," Spot announced.

"On what grounds?" Monahan asked.

"On the grounds of Brooklyn, Your Honor." We all cracked up at that.

Monahan banged his gavel, "I fine each of you $5.00 or two weeks confinement in the house of refuge." We all looked around at eachother. None of us had anyhting near five bucks.

"Whoa. Hey, we ain't got five bucks. We ain't even got five cents. Hey Your Honor, how 'bout I roll you for it? Double or nothin'." Again, we all cracked up.

"Alright. Move along, move along." Monahan banged his gavel again.

"Your Honor. I'll pay the fines. All of them." Denton said as he and Davey walked into court.

"Fellas, you alright?" Davey asked.

"It's David!" Someone exclaimed.

"Where's Jack?" Davey asked.

"Look, we gotta meet at the restaurant. Everybody. We have to talk." Denton said.

"Pay the clerk. Move it along." Monahan announced.

Jack walked in right then, followed by a bull, his hands chained behind him.  "Hey fellas!"

"Hey Cowboy! Nice shiner!" I exclaimed. The newsies laughed.

"Pay the clerk. Move it along." Monahan repeated.

"Hey Denton, I guess we made all the papes this time. So, how'd my picture look?" Jack asked.

"None of the papers covered the rally. Not even the Sun." Denton replied as he signed a form.

"Case of Jack Kelly. Inciting to riot, assault, resisting arrest." The bailiff announced to the court.

"Judge Monahan, I'll speak for this young man." Snyder said.

"You two know eachother. Ain't that nice!" Jack remarked.

"Just move it along, Warden Snyder." Monahan replied.

"This boy's real name is Francis Sullivan. His mother's deceased. His father's a convict in the state penitentiary. He's an escapee from the house of refuge where his original sentence for three months was extended to six months for disruptive behavior." Snyder rattled off.

"Like demanding we eat the food you steal from us." Jack added.

"Followed by an additional six months for attempted escape." Snyder continued.

"Attempted? Last time wasn't an attempted escape. Remember, Snyder? Remember me and Teddy Roosevelt and the carriage? You remember Roosevelt and the carriage!" Jack ranted.

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