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Okay, so I have a lot of thoughts on this topic, and I just wanted to get them off my chest in a place where I'm less likely to be attacked by prepubescent Leafy fans who will eat up anything he says and then turn on anyone who disagrees. (Not saying that that's how all of his fans are, but you can't deny that people like that exist)

First of all, he gets a lot of shit for what he does. And to a certain extent, I get that. He's calling people out, "roasting" them, if you will, and that can be seen as mean. But really, he does put a disclaimer up (and he usually says it as well) saying he doesn't have any ill will towards the people he makes videos about, not to attack them, etc. etc.

It's satire, and it's supposed to be a little mean.

But lately, I feel like he's taking it a bit too far. In one of his feminist videos, he refused to use they/them pronouns for somebody, calling them an "it" and "creature". Like, no, I don't agree with a lot of the things Milo (the person he made a video about) said, but he really should've respected their proper pronouns.

Another video I was iffy about was the "buzzfeed is racist!!" one. The original buzzfeed video was about "Questions White People Have For White People". One of the point Leafy made was that they shouldn't generalize white people. I agree with that. But another one of his points was that the video was an example of reverse racism.

Look, reverse racism does not exist.

The video was white people talking about white people. They were the same race, and therefore it can't be considered racist. (The closest thing I can think of is when POC people use racial slurs to people of their own race, it's not considered racist.) And really? Does a five minute long youtube video of white people saying "Why can't you eat spicy food" compare to years of systematic oppression?

So, yeah. It's safe to say that he's problematic.

However, one of his most recent videos about a trans girl was a lot better than I had expected it to be. (I believe it was called "girl with a dick ------" something like that) I was expecting him to be a little transphobic, but in the video, he didn't make any nasty comments (at least relating to the fact that she was trans) and even acknowledged the trans community.

So, conclusion. I think Calvin needs to educate himself more on the topics he's going to talk about, but he has taken a step in the right direction, and I'm just hoping that that continues. (Because honestly the poor kid works his ass of to make videos and I would just hate for them to be shitty ones, you know? Like he's putting so much effort in, I just want them to be videos I can have fun watching)

(I just realized I spent twenty minutes writing this out when I should've been getting ready for school yikes help me)

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