A Discovery!?

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*********************************************************************************** I'M BAAAACK!!~ And no, this is not a stupid note from me, ITS A CHAPPY!! FINALLY!! And someone reminded me that.....I ONLY HAVE 7 CHAPPYS AND ITS NOT SYMMETRICAL!! DX ......But after posting this, it IS symetrical~ Yay, Kid would be proud! Anyways, you can go ahead and read the actual story, baiii! ***********************************************************************************

You paced around your room in Kid's appartment.

'Why the heck did I say that I would talk to him!? Arrgggghhh! And If I do end up talking to him, what would I even say!? ARGGGHHHH!!!' You argued in your head. You shooked your head and decided not to think about it too much. Then you heard the door open and you saw Kid walk out of it. You panicked.

"Ah...uh, hi Kid." You said nervously.

He looked at you with a wierd expression like he wasn't expecting you to talk to him. This made you a little more nervous.

He walked into the lounge and sat down on the couch, ignoring your awkward greeting.

Liz and Patty followed behind him.

" Hi ____, don't mind Kid, he's just angry because the souls that me and patty have eaten, are uneven, in other words asymetrical..." Liz said as she facepalmed.

"Hahaha, he's reeeaaally gloomy!!" Patty laughed, pointing at Kid. Then Kid got up from his seat and went to the bathroom and he said something about the toilet paper not folded properly and that their not symetrical.

You facepalmed and then you walked back to your room and fell on top of your bed.

●●A Day Later●●

You were upset. Your favourite ever character died on the Tv show (or Anime) you were watching. You thought of keishins for some reason. You would rather see one of them and get saved by Kid once more though you didn't know why. Suddenly you heard a noise from the lounge.  You decided to check it out and went to the lounge and opened the door. What you saw behind the door terrified you.

You saw a keishin.  

'What!? How'd a keishin get in here!?' Suddenly the keishin dashed towards you. You didn't know what to do, you were terrified.

'No! What do I do now!? Kid!! Save me!!'

And like as if by fate, Kid just happened to show up. He fired his pistols and the keishin slowly turned into a soul.

"Wha? What the hell is going on!?"  You questioned to no one in particular.

"_____ you have a power. Lord Death told me that he had thought there had to be another power in this. So I decided to investigate. And it seems that you have the power to project your desires or thoughts to life."

Maka explained. You were speechless.

'I have a power!? A-And I can project my thoughts and desires?!' It was too much to handle on the spot like that.

"You can actually be quite dangerous.....we have to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't get any horrible thoughts and kill the world." Soul said.


"I'm not gonna kill the world! Jeez." You spat.

"Hey! Don't forget the one and only Black Star!" Black Star yelled from a distance. You could hear some giggling also, coming from the same direction. It must be Tsubaki.

"Your power may be great but it's nothing compared to the imence power of the one and only Black Star!" He bragged as he pointed to himself.

"I never said I had a imence power." You rolled your eyes.

"W-Well my power is still ten times better then yours!" Black Star said.

You ignored him and looked behind you. You saw Kid and his partners arguing.

"Hahaha! Kid is a kid!" Patty laughed.

"I'm not a kid!" Kid snapped.

"Hahahaha! Yeees you are!" Patty clapped.

"No! I am the son of the great lord Death! Just because my nickname is Kid, doesn’t mean I am a kid!!" Kid ranted. You giggled. Then suddenly the image of you kissing kid popped into your head. You blushed but thought,  'That would be nice if it happened again.'

In the blink of an eye, that thought suddenly imerged into reality. You were in fact, kissing Kid, again.

But that isn't all.....everyone saw!


***************************************************************************************************************Muahahahaha! Adorablez, no? That is all I wanted to saay, baii baii!

Death the kid, The symmetry freak's love adventure. (Soul eater fan fiction!)Where stories live. Discover now